PnP-X for mobile broadband apps

App installation

A mobile broadband adapter offers users the opportunity to have the appropriate mobile broadband app automatically installed when the adapter is connected. Personal hotspots cannot benefit from the same SIM-based carrier detection. However, personal hotspots that implement the PnP-X protocol can select an app to install. The app is automatically installed when the computer pairs with the PnP-X device.

This can be the same app that is auto-installed for mobile broadband users, or a branded app that the device manufacturer and the operator author together. The app should include many of the same functions as a standard mobile broadband app. See Designing the user experience of a mobile broadband app for suggestions on standard experiences in a mobile broadband app.

Certain classes of network devices are automatically paired; for more information, see UWP device apps for internal devices. Other device classes do not automatically install the app until the user pairs with the device by using the computer settings.

App privileges

Although the app does not have access to the same privileged APIs as a mobile broadband app, it can talk to the device over the network to retrieve equivalent information if the device exposes this information.

Communication channels