IMiniportAudioEngineNode::GetDeviceChannelCount method (portcls.h)

Gets a count of the number of channels supported by the audio device.


NTSTATUS GetDeviceChannelCount(
  [in]  ULONG              ulNodeId,
  [in]  eChannelTargetType targetType,
  [out] UINT32             *pulChannelCount


[in] ulNodeId

The ID of the node that represents the audio device.

[in] targetType

An eChannelTargetType enumerated value that specifies the types of target nodes in the channels. For example, there could be Volume, Mute or PeakMeter nodes.

[out] pulChannelCount

The number of channels supported by the audio device.

Return value

GetDeviceChannelCount returns S_OK, if the call was successful. Otherwise, the method

returns an appropriate error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Target Platform Universal
Header portcls.h

See also

