Event Interfaces

The event (notification) interfaces allow a TAPI 3 application to respond to asynchronous events.

You must call the ITTAPI::put_EventFilter method and set an event filter mask to enable reception of request events. If you do not call ITTAPI::put_EventFilter, your application will not receive any events.

Please see the Events overview for a description of how an application ensures reception of notifications. See the individual interfaces listed in the following table for more information about setting a filter mask for individual event types.

Interface Description
ITAddressEvent Retrieves the description of address events.
ITASRTerminalEvent Retrieves the description of Automatic Speech Recognition terminal events.
ITCallHubEvent Retrieves the description of CallHub events.
ITCallInfoChangeEvent Retrieves the description of call information change events.
ITCallMediaEvent Retrieves the description of call media events.
ITCallNotificationEvent Retrieves the description of call notification events.
ITCallStateEvent Retrieves the description of call state events.
ITDigitDetectionEvent Retrieves information about DTMF digit events during a call.
ITDigitGenerationEvent Retrieves information about calls that require the generation of DTMF digits.
ITDigitsGatheredEvent Retrieves data related to an application's digit-gathering request.
ITFileTerminalEvent Retrieves the description of file terminal events.
ITParticipantEvent Retrieves the description of conference participant events.
ITPhoneEvent Retrieves the description of phone events.
ITQOSEvent Retrieves the description of quality of service (QOS) events.
ITQueueEvent Retrieves the description of Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) queue events.
ITRequestEvent Retrieves the description of Assisted Telephony request events.
ITTAPIObjectEvent Retrieves the description of TAPI object events.
ITTAPIObjectEvent2 Extends ITTAPIObjectEvent; retrieves a pointer to the phone object that caused the TAPI object event.
ITToneDetectionEvent Retrieves information about a tone detection event.
ITToneTerminalEvent Retrieves the description of tone terminal events.
ITTTSTerminalEvent Retrieves the description of text-to-speech (TTS) terminal events.


Interface Description
ITPluggableTerminalEventSink Notifies client applications about changes in a pluggable terminal.
ITPluggableTerminalEventSinkRegistration Registers and unregisters a client application for notification about pluggable terminal events.