WdsCliGetDriverQueryXml function (wdsclientapi.h)

This function generates an XML string which can be used to query a WDS server for driver packages using the WdsCliObtainDriverPackagesEx function. The target OS information section of the WDS driver query XML is generated if the path to the Windows directory of the applied image is specified.


  [in, optional] PWSTR pwszWinDirPath,
  [out]          PWSTR *ppwszDriverQuery


[in, optional] pwszWinDirPath

The path to the Windows directory of the applied image. This parameter is optional. If it is specified, the section of the WDS driver query XML for the target operating system is generated.

[out] ppwszDriverQuery

A pointer to a pointer to a string that receives the generated WDS driver query XML. The caller has to free this buffer using "delete[](*ppwszDriverQuery)".

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return is S_OK.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wdsclientapi.h
Library WdsClientAPI.lib
DLL WdsClientAPI.dll