ID2D1RenderTarget::CreateBitmapBrush(ID2D1Bitmap*,ID2D1BitmapBrush**) method (d2d1.h)

Creates an ID2D1BitmapBrush from the specified bitmap. The brush uses the default values for its extend mode, interpolation mode, opacity, and transform.


HRESULT CreateBitmapBrush(
  [in]  ID2D1Bitmap      *bitmap,
  [out] ID2D1BitmapBrush **bitmapBrush


[in] bitmap

Type: ID2D1Bitmap*

The bitmap contents of the new brush.

[out] bitmapBrush

Type: ID2D1BitmapBrush**

When this method returns, contains a pointer to a pointer to the new brush. This parameter is passed uninitialized.

Return value


If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


The bitmap brush created by this method has D2D1_EXTEND_MODE_CLAMP horizontal and vertical extend modes and the D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE_LINEAR interpolation mode. Its opacity is 1.0f, and its transform is the identity matrix.


For an example showing how to paint an area with a bitmap brush, see How to Create a Bitmap Brush.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7, Windows Vista with SP2 and Platform Update for Windows Vista [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 with SP2 and Platform Update for Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header d2d1.h
Library D2d1.lib
DLL D2d1.dll

See also

Brushes Overview

How to Create a Bitmap Brush
