Allows the callback object to specify the buttons to be added to the toolbar. Used by IShellFolderViewCB::MessageSFVCB.


    wParam = (WPARAM)(DWORD) idCmdFirst,cbtnMax;

    lParam = (LPARAM)(LPTBBUTTON) pbtn;



idCmdFirst_cbtnMax [in]

Contains two 16-bit values packed into the parameter with the MAKEWPARAM macro. The low-order word contains the initial command ID. The high-order word contains the number of buttons to be added, as specified in the preceding SFVM_GETBUTTONINFO message.

pbtn [out]

The address of an array of TBBUTTON structures, one for each button to be added to the toolbar.


This message is preceded by a SFVM_GETBUTTONINFO message. The callback object must handle that message to specify the number of buttons and where they are to be placed on the toolbar. Depending on how the callback object responds to the SFVM_GETBUTTONINFO message, the buttons specified by pbtn parameter will be appended or prepended to the system folder view object's standard buttons, or replace the standard set.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]