NetDfsGetInfo function (lmdfs.h)

Retrieves information about a specified Distributed File System (DFS) root or link in a DFS namespace.


  [in]           LPWSTR DfsEntryPath,
  [in, optional] LPWSTR ServerName,
  [in, optional] LPWSTR ShareName,
  [in]           DWORD  Level,
  [out]          LPBYTE *Buffer


[in] DfsEntryPath

Pointer to a string that specifies the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path of a DFS root or link.

For a link, the string can be in one of two forms. The first form is as follows:


where ServerName is the name of the root target server that hosts the stand-alone DFS namespace; DfsName is the name of the DFS namespace; and link_path is a DFS link.

The second form is as follows:


where DomainName is the name of the domain that hosts the domain-based DFS namespace; DomDfsname is the name of the DFS namespace; and link_path is a DFS link.

For a root, the string can be in one of two forms:




where the values of the names are the same as those described previously.

This parameter is required.

[in, optional] ServerName

This parameter is currently ignored and should be NULL.

[in, optional] ShareName

This parameter is currently ignored and should be NULL.

[in] Level

Specifies the information level of the request. This parameter can be one of the following values.


Return the DFS root or DFS link name. The Buffer parameter points to a DFS_INFO_1 structure.


Return the DFS root or DFS link name, status, and the number of DFS targets. The Buffer parameter points to a DFS_INFO_2 structure.


Return the DFS root or DFS link name, status, and target information. The Buffer parameter points to a DFS_INFO_3 structure.


Return the DFS root or DFS link name, status, GUID, time-out, and target information. The Buffer parameter points to a DFS_INFO_4 structure.


Return the name, status, GUID, time-out, property flags, metadata size, and number of targets for a DFS root and all links under the root. The Buffer parameter points to an array of DFS_INFO_5 structures.


Return the name, status, GUID, time-out, property flags, metadata size, DFS target information for a root or link, and a list of DFS targets. The Buffer parameter points to an array of DFS_INFO_6 structures.


Return the version number GUID of the DFS metadata. The Buffer parameter points to an array of DFS_INFO_7 structures.


Return the name, status, GUID, time-out, property flags, metadata size, number of targets, and link reparse point security descriptors for a DFS root and all links under the root. The Buffer parameter points to an array of DFS_INFO_8 structures.


Return the name, status, GUID, time-out, property flags, metadata size, DFS target information, link reparse point security descriptors, and a list of DFS targets for a root or link. The Buffer parameter points to an array of DFS_INFO_9 structures.


Return the DFS metadata version and capabilities of an existing DFS namespace. The Buffer parameter points to a DFS_INFO_50 structure.


Return a comment about the DFS root or DFS link. The Buffer parameter points to a DFS_INFO_100 structure.


Return the security descriptor for the DFS link's reparse point. The Buffer parameter points to a DFS_INFO_150 structure.

Note  This value is natively supported only if the DFS link resides on a server that is running Windows Server 2008 or later.

[out] Buffer

Pointer to the address of a buffer that receives the requested information structures. The format of this data depends on the value of the Level parameter. This buffer is allocated by the system and must be freed using the NetApiBufferFree function. For more information, see Network Management Function Buffers and Network Management Function Buffer Lengths.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is NERR_Success.

If the function fails, the return value is a system error code. For a list of error codes, see System Error Codes.


No special group membership is required for using the NetDfsGetInfo function.

An application calling the NetDfsGetInfo function may indirectly cause the local DFS Namespace server servicing the function call to perform a full synchronization of the related namespace metadata from the PDC emulator master for that domain. This full synchronization could happen even when root scalability mode is configured for that namespace. In order to avoid this side-effect, if the intent is to only retrieve the physical UNC pathname used by a specific DFSN client machine corresponding a given DFS namespace path, then one alternative is to use the WDK API ZwQueryInformationFile, passing FileNetworkPhysicalNameInformation as the FileInformationClass parameter and passing the address of a caller-allocated FILE_NETWORK_PHYSICAL_NAME_INFORMATION structure as the FileInformation parameter. Please see the WDK for more information on calling WDK APIs.


The following code sample demonstrates how to retrieve information about a DFS link using a call to the NetDfsGetInfo function. The sample calls NetDfsGetInfo, specifying information level 3 (DFS_INFO_3). If the call succeeds, the sample prints information about the DFS link, including the name and status of each target referenced by the link. Finally, the code sample frees the memory allocated for the information buffer.

#include <windows.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <lmdfs.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "Netapi32.lib")

void wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[ ])
   PDFS_INFO_3 pData;
   DWORD er = 0, tr = 0, res, j;

   // Check command line arguments.
   if (argc<2)
      wprintf(L"Syntax: %s DfsEntryPath\n", argv[0]);
      // Call the NetDfsGetInfo function, specifying level 3.
      res = NetDfsGetInfo(argv[1], NULL, NULL, 3, (LPBYTE *) &pData);
      // If the call succeeds, print the data.
         printf("%-30S Storages: %u\nComment: %S\n", pData->EntryPath, pData->NumberOfStorages, pData->Comment);
         ps = pData->Storage;
         // Loop through each target.
         for(j = 1; j <= pData->NumberOfStorages;j++)
            // Print the status (Offline/Online) and the name 
            // of each target referenced by the DFS link.
            printf("    %S  ", (ps->State == DFS_STORAGE_STATE_OFFLINE) ? TEXT("Offline"): TEXT("Online "));
            printf("\\\\%S\\%S\n", ps->ServerName, ps->ShareName);
         // Free the allocated memory.
         printf("Error: %u\n", res);


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header lmdfs.h (include LmDfs.h, Lm.h)
Library Netapi32.lib
DLL Netapi32.dll

See also









Distributed File System (DFS) Functions


Network Management Functions

Network Management Overview