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IWMSBroadcastPublishingPoint.Start (Visual Basic .NET)

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IWMSBroadcastPublishingPoint.Start (Visual Basic .NET)

The Start method starts the broadcasting publishing point.




This method takes no parameters.

Return Values

If this method succeeds, it does not return a value. If it fails, it returns an error number.

Number Description
0x8007000E The account that the WMS service is running under does not have access rights to the content requested.
0x00000002 The server was not able to find the file referenced by the Path property of the publishing point.
0x00000003 The server was not able to find the path referenced by the Path property of the publishing point.
0xC00D0006L The destination server indicated in the path property exists, but the server was unable to establish a connection to the destination server.
0xC00D14B5L The playlist that the server is attempting to stream does not reference any media streams or files.
0xC00D001AL The server was not able to find the file referenced by the Path property of the publishing point.
0xC00D2EE8L The server that the publishing point attempted to connect to does not support the requested action.
0xC00D145BL The publishing point is configured for push distribution and can be started only by an encoder.
0xC00D1581L The server cannot stream the selected file because it is either damaged or corrupted.
0xC00D2EFAL The MMS protocol is not supported.
0xC00D14B6L The playlist that the server is attempting to parse contains a syntax error.
0xC00D157FL The server was not able to find a playlist parser plug-in to access the playlist referenced by the Path property of the publishing point.
0xC00D145AL The publishing point has already been removed.
0xC00D0035L The server was not able to find the server specified in the Path property of the publishing point.
0xC00D157EL The server was not able to find a data source plug-in to access the data referenced by the Path property of the publishing point.
0xC00D151EL The version of the playlist that the server is attempting to stream is either not supported by the server or is not valid. Version information in a playlist is indicated by the <WSX> element.
0x000D1519L At least one data sink started but one or more failed to start.


The Start method begins streaming the content referenced in theIWMSPublishingPoint.Path property. If the Path property references a playlist, an IWMSPlaylist object is created, and the publishing point begins streaming the content indicated by the playlist. If the Path property references a file, the server begins streaming content from the file. If the Path property references a directory, the server begins streaming the media files in that directory and subdirectories as if the directory is a playlist.

Example Code

Imports Microsoft.WindowsMediaServices.Interop
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Private Sub BeginBroadcast()

    ' Declare variables.
    Dim Server As WMSServer
    Dim PubPoints As IWMSPublishingPoints
    Dim PubPoint As IWMSPublishingPoint
    Dim BCPubPoint As IWMSBroadcastPublishingPoint
    Dim i As Integer

    ' Create the WMSServer object.
    Server = New WMSServer()

    ' Retrieve the IWMSPublishingPoints object.
    PubPoints = Server.PublishingPoints

    ' Retrieve each publishing point and retrieve the
    ' IWMSBroadcastPublishingPoint object.
    For i = 0 To Server.PublishingPoints.Count – 1

        PubPoint = PubPoints.Item(i)
            BCPubPoint = PubPoint
            Exit For
        End If

    Next i

    ' Retrieve the current status of the publishing point.
    ' The status is reported as the result of a bitwise OR
    ' of any of the designated values.
    ppsStatus = BCPubPoint.BroadcastStatus

    ' If the publishing point is currently stopped, start it.
    End If

Catch excCom As COMException
    ' TODO: Handle COM exceptions.
Catch exc As Exception
    ' TODO: Handle errors.
    ' TODO: Clean-up code goes here.
End Try

End Sub


Reference: Add a reference to Microsoft.WindowsMediaServices.

Namespace: Microsoft.WindowsMediaServices.Interop.

Assembly: Microsoft.WindowsMediaServices.dll.

Library: WMSServerTypeLib.dll.

Platform: Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family.

See Also

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