DropTarget Control Pattern

Provides guidelines and conventions for implementing the DropTarget control pattern by using IDropTargetProvider, including information about properties and methods. The DropTarget control pattern is used to support controls that can be the target of a drag-and-drop operation.

Implementation Guidelines and Conventions

When implementing the DropTarget control pattern, use the following guidelines and conventions:

Required Members for IDropTargetProvider

The following properties and methods are required for implementing the IDropTargetProvider interface.

Required members Member type Notes
DropTargetEffect Property None
DropTargetEffects Property Required if the drop target supports more than one possible drop effect.
UIA_DropTarget_DragEnterEventId Event None
UIA_DropTarget_DragLeaveEventId Event None
UIA_DropTarget_DroppedEventId Event None


Control Types and Their Supported Control Patterns

Drag Control Pattern

UI Automation Control Patterns Overview

UI Automation Tree Overview

UI Automation Support for Drag-and-Drop