MFASYNCRESULT structure (mfapi.h)

Contains data that is needed to implement the IMFAsyncResult interface.


typedef struct tagMFASYNCRESULT : IMFAsyncResult {
  OVERLAPPED       overlapped;
  IMFAsyncCallback *pCallback;
  HRESULT          hrStatusResult;
  DWORD            dwBytesTransferred;
  HANDLE           hEvent;


The MFASYNCRESULT structure implements IMFAsyncResult.



An OVERLAPPED structure. This structure is used internally to queue the work item. Fill this member with zeros.


Pointer to the IMFAsyncCallback interface. This interface is implemented by the caller of the asynchronous method. This member can be NULL. If this member is NULL, the hEvent member must be a valid event handle.


The status code returned when this structure is used with an I/O completion port. You can also use this member to hold the status code for the asynchronous operation, returned by IMFAsyncResult::GetStatus.


The number of bytes transferred when this structure is used with an I/O completion port. This member is used internally by the work queue. Set this member to zero.


Event handle. If pCallback is NULL, set this member to a valid event handle. The event is signaled when the work item is dispatched. Otherwise, set this member to NULL.


Any custom implementation of the IMFAsyncResult interface must inherit this structure. For more information, see Custom Asynchronous Result Objects.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Header mfapi.h

See also

Custom Asynchronous Result Objects

Media Foundation Structures

Work Queues