WdCharacterCase Enum


Specifies the case of the text in the specified range.

public enum class WdCharacterCase
public enum WdCharacterCase
type WdCharacterCase = 
Public Enum WdCharacterCase


wdFullWidth 7

Full-width. Used for Japanese characters.

wdHalfWidth 6

Half-width. Used for Japanese characters.

wdHiragana 9

Hiragana characters. Used with Japanese text.

wdKatakana 8

Katakana characters. Used with Japanese text.

wdLowerCase 0

Lower case.

wdNextCase -1

Toggles between upper, lower, and sentence case.

wdTitleSentence 4

Sentence case.

wdTitleWord 2

Title word case.

wdToggleCase 5

Toggles upper case characters to lower, and lower case characters to upper.

wdUpperCase 1

Upper case.

Applies to