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System.CodeDom Namespaces

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The System.CodeDom namespaces contain classes that represent the elements of a source code document and that support the generation and compilation of source code in supported programming languages.


Namespace Description
System.CodeDom The System.CodeDom namespace contains classes that can be used to represent the elements and structure of a source code document. The classes in this namespace can be used to model the structure of a source code document that can be output as source code in a supported language using the functionality provided by the System.CodeDom.Compiler namespace.
System.CodeDom.Compiler The System.CodeDom.Compiler namespace contains types for managing the generation and compilation of source code in supported programming languages. Code generators can each produce source code in a particular programming language based on the structure of Code Document Object Model (CodeDOM) source code models consisting of elements provided by the System.CodeDom namespace.