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System.Reflection Namespaces

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Include .NET Framework Members
Include XNA Framework Members

Include Portable Class Library Members

The System.Reflection namespaces contain types that provide a managed view of loaded types, methods, and fields, and that can dynamically create and invoke types. A child namespace contains types that enable a compiler or other tool to emit metadata and Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL).


Namespace Description
System.Reflection The System.Reflection namespace contains types that retrieve information about assemblies, modules, members, parameters, and other entities in managed code by examining their metadata. These types also can be used to manipulate instances of loaded types, for example to hook up events or to invoke methods. To dynamically create types, use the System.Reflection.Emit namespace.
System.Reflection.Context The System.Reflection.Context namespace contains classes that enable customized reflection contexts.
System.Reflection.Emit The System.Reflection.Emit namespace contains classes that allow a compiler or tool to emit metadata and Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) and optionally generate a PE file on disk. The primary clients of these classes are script engines and compilers.