.NET Native Setup and Configuration

You can develop Windows Store apps that compile to native code on x64 and ARM devices by using .NET Native with Visual Studio 2015 Preview and Windows 8.1. Follow the steps in the following sections.

Getting your machine ready

To prepare your development environment to create Windows Store apps using .NET Native:

On your development machine:

  1. Install Visual Studio 2015 Preview and Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 for x64 or x86. The .NET Native tool chain is automatically installed along with Visual Studio.

On your ARM device, if your app targets ARM:


If you're developing on an x86 system and targeting an x64 system, you should follow the same steps to configure your x64 system for remote debugging as you do for an ARM system.

You can then begin to develop apps that use the .NET Native tool chain to create binaries that target ARM devices. For step-by-step information, see Getting Started with .NET Native.

Restoring defaults

To opt out of using the .NET Native tool chain:

  • On the Application tab of the project's Properties dialog box, clear the Enable static analysis for .NET Native check box.

  • On the Build tab of the project’s Properties dialog box, clear the Compile with .NET Native tool chain check box for each configuration and platform combination.

  • In Configuration Manager, which is available from the solution’s Properties dialog box, reset Active solution platform to AnyCPU.

  • Optionally, to completely remove all artifacts, you can edit your .csproj project file and remove any XML elements named EnableDotNetNativeCompatibleProfile and UseDotNetNativeToolchain. In earlier releases of .NET Native, these XML elements were named EnableProjectNCompatibleProfile and UseProjectNToolchain; you should remove them as well if they exist in your .csproj project file.

See Also


Getting Started with .NET Native