Tuple<T1>(T1) Constructor


Initializes a new instance of the Tuple<T1> class.

 Tuple(T1 item1);
public Tuple (T1 item1);
new Tuple<'T1> : 'T1 -> Tuple<'T1>
Public Sub New (item1 As T1)



The value of the tuple's only component.


You can also use the static Tuple.Create method to instantiate a 1-tuple object without having to explicitly specify the type of its component. The following example uses the Create method to instantiate a 1-tuple whose component is of type Int32.

var tuple1 = Tuple.Create(12);
Console.WriteLine(tuple1.Item1);     // Displays 12
let tuple1 = Tuple.Create 12
printfn $"{tuple1.Item1}" // Displays 12
Dim tuple1 = Tuple.Create(12)
Console.WriteLine(tuple1.Item1)     ' Displays 12

This is equivalent to the following call to the Tuple<T1> class constructor.

var tuple1 = new Tuple<int>(12);
Console.WriteLine(tuple1.Item1);     // Displays 12
let tuple1 = Tuple<int> 12
printfn $"{tuple1.Item1}" // Displays 12
Dim tuple1 = New Tuple(Of Integer)(12)
Console.WriteLine(tuple1.Item1)     ' Displays 12

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