VersionControlServer Methods

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The VersionControlServer type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddProxy(String) Adds a new proxy server record.
Public method AddProxy(ProxyInfo) Adds a new proxy server record.
Public method AddProxy(String, String) Adds a new proxy server record.
Public method CheckInShelveset(ShelvesetCheckInParameters) Submit an existing Shelveset for check in to the repository.
Public method CheckInShelveset(String, String) Submit an existing Shelveset for check in to the repository.
Public method CompareLabels Queries for a list of labels applied to items in the repository.
Public method ConfigureProxy(String) Configures the specified proxy URL.
Public method ConfigureProxy(ProxyInfo) Configures the specified proxy.
Public method CreateBranch(String, String, VersionSpec) Creates a branch on the server and checks it in without downloading the branch to the client.
Public method CreateBranch(String, String, VersionSpec, String, String, CheckinNote, PolicyOverrideInfo, array<Mapping[]) Creates a branch on the server and checks it in without downloading the branch to the client.
Public method CreateBranchObject Creates a BranchObject in Team Foundation Server.
Public method CreateLabel(VersionControlLabel, array<LabelItemSpec[], LabelChildOption) Create or update a label.
Public method CreateLabel(VersionControlLabel, array<LabelItemSpec[], LabelChildOption, array<Failure[]%) Creates a label.
Public method CreateTeamProjectFolder Creates a team project root folder and configures it.
Public method CreateWorkspace(String) Creates a new Workspace.
Public method CreateWorkspace(CreateWorkspaceParameters) Creates a new Workspace.
Public method CreateWorkspace(String, String) Creates a new Workspace.
Public method CreateWorkspace(String, String, String) Creates a new Workspace.
Public method CreateWorkspace(String, String, String, array<WorkingFolder[]) Creates a new Workspace.
Public method CreateWorkspace(String, String, String, array<WorkingFolder[], String) Creates a new Workspace.
Public method CreateWorkspace(String, String, String, array<WorkingFolder[], String, Boolean) Creates a new Workspace.
Public method CreateWorkspace(String, String, String, array<WorkingFolder[], String, WorkspacePermissionProfile, Boolean) Creates a new Workspace.
Public method DeleteBranchObject Deletes a BranchObject and all associated properties from Team Foundation Server.
Public method DeleteLabel Deletes the label with the specified name and scope.
Public method DeleteProxy Deletes the proxy server record for the specified proxy URL.
Public method DeleteShelveset(Shelveset) Removes a Shelveset from the server.
Public method DeleteShelveset(String, String) Removes a Shelveset from the server.
Public method DeleteWorkspace Deletes the Shelveset that has the specified name and owner.
Public method Destroy(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, DestroyFlags) Permanently deletes the subtree, starting at the specified item.
Public method Destroy(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, DestroyFlags, array<PendingSet[]%, array<PendingSet[]%) Permanently deletes the subtree, starting at the specified item.
Public method DownloadFile(String, String) Downloads the latest version of a file from the server to a local file.
Public method DownloadFile(String, Int32, VersionSpec, String) Downloads the specified version of a file from the server to a local file.
Public method Equals Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetAllCheckinNoteFieldNames Gets an array of all the check-in note fields used in this database.
Public method GetAllTeamProjects Gets the TeamProject objects in the repository.
Public method GetBestProxies Gets a list of recommended proxy servers returned in preferential order for the given site.
Public method GetBranchHistory Gets the branch history of the requested items.
Public method GetChangeset(Int32) Gets the details of a Changeset (comment, changes, etc.).
Public method GetChangeset(Int32, Boolean, Boolean) Gets the details of a Changeset (comment, changes, etc.).
Public method GetChangeset(Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) Gets the details of a Changeset (comment, changes, etc.).
Public method GetChangeset(Int32, Boolean, Boolean, array<String[]) Gets the details of a Changeset (comment, changes, etc.).
Public method GetChangeset(Int32, Boolean, Boolean, array<String[], array<String[], array<String[]) Gets the details of a Changeset.
Public method GetChangesetProperty(Int32, String) Gets the property value of a Changeset specified by Changeset ID and property name filter.
Public method GetChangesetProperty(Int32, array<String[]) Gets the property value of a Changeset specified by Changeset ID and an array of property name filters.
Public method GetChangesForChangeset(Int32, Boolean, Int32, ItemSpec) Gets the Change objects within a Changeset. Allows the caller to page changes back from the server.
Public method GetChangesForChangeset(Int32, Boolean, Int32, ItemSpec, array<String[]) Gets the changes within a Changeset. Allows the caller to page changes back from the server.
Public method GetChangesForChangeset(Int32, Boolean, Int32, ItemSpec, array<String[], Boolean) Gets the changes within a Changeset. Allows the caller to page changes back from the server.
Public method GetChangesForChangeset(Int32, Boolean, Int32, ItemSpec, array<String[], array<String[], Boolean) Gets the changes within a Changeset.
Public method GetCheckinNoteDefinitions Gets the CheckinNoteFieldDefinition objects supported for CheckinNote data.
Public method GetCheckinNoteDefinitionsForServerPaths Gets the CheckinNoteFieldDefinition objects supported for CheckinNote data.
Public method GetCheckinPoliciesForServerPaths Gets the CheckinNoteFieldDefinition supported for CheckinNote data.
Public method GetEffectiveGlobalPermissions Gets the global permissions of a user.
Public method GetEffectivePermissions Gets the permissions of a user for a particular Item.
Public method GetExtendedItems(String, DeletedState, ItemType) Gets an array of ExtendedItem objects in the repository that match the specified criteria.
Public method GetExtendedItems(array<ItemSpec[], DeletedState, ItemType) Gets an array of ExtendedItem objects in the repository that match the specified criteria, for each ItemSpec.
Public method GetExtendedItems(array<ItemSpec[], DeletedState, ItemType, GetItemsOptions) Gets an array of ExtendedItem objects in the repository that match the specified criteria, for each ItemSpec.
Public method GetExtendedItems(array<ItemSpec[], DeletedState, ItemType, GetItemsOptions, array<String[]) Gets an array of ExtendedItem objects in the repository that match the specified criteria, for each ItemSpec.
Public method GetFileTypes Gets the array of FileType objects registered on the server.
Public method GetGlobalPermissions Gets the global permissions of the selected users in the repository.
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetIdentityDisplayName Returns the identity display name.
Public method GetItem(String) Gets the Item at the specified path.
Public method GetItem(Int32, Int32) Gets an Item from the repository, based on itemId and changesetNumber.
Public method GetItem(String, VersionSpec) Gets the Item at the specified path.
Public method GetItem(Int32, Int32, GetItemsOptions) Gets an Item from the repository, based on itemId, changesetNumber, and options.
Public method GetItem(Int32, Int32, Boolean) Gets an Item from the repository, based on itemId and changesetNumber.
Public method GetItem(String, VersionSpec, DeletedState) Gets the Item at the specified path.
Public method GetItem(String, VersionSpec, Int32) Gets the Item at the specified path.
Public method GetItem(String, VersionSpec, DeletedState, GetItemsOptions) Gets the Item at the specified path.
Public method GetItem(String, VersionSpec, DeletedState, Boolean) Gets the Item at the specified path.
Public method GetItem(String, VersionSpec, Int32, GetItemsOptions) Gets the Item at the specified path.
Public method GetItem(String, VersionSpec, Int32, Boolean) Gets the Item at the specified path.
Public method GetItems(String) Gets an array of Item objects from repository that match the specified path.
Public method GetItems(array<Int32[], Int32) Gets an array of Item objects from repository, based on itemIds and changesetNumber.
Public method GetItems(String, RecursionType) Gets an array of Item objects from repository that match the specified path.
Public method GetItems(array<Int32[], Int32, GetItemsOptions) Gets an array of Item objects from repository, based on itemIds and changesetNumber.
Public method GetItems(array<Int32[], Int32, Boolean) Gets an array of Item objects from repository, based on itemIds and changesetNumber.
Public method GetItems(String, VersionSpec, RecursionType) Gets an array of Item objects from repository that match the specified path.
Public method GetItems(array<ItemSpec[], VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType) Gets an array of Item objects in the repository that match the specified path and version.
Public method GetItems(String, VersionSpec, RecursionType, DeletedState, ItemType) Gets an array of Item objects from repository that match the specified path.
Public method GetItems(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, GetItemsOptions) Gets an array of Item objects in the repository that match the specified path and version.
Public method GetItems(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, Boolean) Gets an array of Item objects in the repository that match the specified path and version.
Public method GetItems(array<ItemSpec[], VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, GetItemsOptions) Gets an array of Item objects in the repository that match the specified path and version.
Public method GetItems(array<ItemSpec[], VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, Boolean) Gets an array of Item objects in the repository that match the specified path and version.
Public method GetItems(String, VersionSpec, RecursionType, DeletedState, ItemType, Boolean) Gets an array of Item objects from repository that match the specified path.
Public method GetItems(array<ItemSpec[], VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, GetItemsOptions, array<String[], array<String[])
Public method GetLatestChangesetId Gets the Changeset ID for the latest Changeset in the repository.
Public method GetMergeCandidates(ItemSpec, String) Gets the candidates for merging between the requested items.
Public method GetMergeCandidates(String, String, RecursionType) Gets the candidates for merging between the requested items.
Public method GetMergeCandidates(ItemSpec, String, MergeOptionsEx) Gets the candidates for merging between the requested items.
Public method GetPendingChange(Int32) Obsolete. Gets the PendingChange object from the repository, with the specified ID.
Public method GetPendingChange(Int32, Boolean) Obsolete. Gets the PendingChange object from the repository, with the specified ID. Also gets information to download files.
Public method GetPendingChanges(array<Int32[]) Obsolete. Gets the PendingChange objects from the repository with the specified IDs.
Public method GetPendingChanges(array<Int32[], Boolean) Obsolete. Gets the PendingChange objects from the repository with the specified IDs. Also gets information to download files.
Public method GetPendingSets Gets the PendingSet objects for the specified query.
Public method GetPermissions(array<String[], RecursionType) Gets the permissions of the specified Items.
Public method GetPermissions(array<String[], array<String[], RecursionType) Gets the permissions of the specified Items.
Public method GetProxies() Gets an array of all configured proxy servers.
Public method GetProxies(array<String[]) Gets an array of proxy server records based on the specified URLs.
Public method GetProxy Gets the record for a proxy server at the specified URL.
Public method GetServerSettingsWithFallback
Public method GetTeamProject Gets the TeamProject in the repository with the specified name.
Public method GetTeamProjectForServerPath Gets the TeamProject for the specified server path.
Public method GetTeamProjectsForServerPaths Gets the TeamProject objects in the repository with the specified paths.
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetVersionedItemProperty(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, String) Obsolete. Gets a property value for the specified item.
Public method GetVersionedItemProperty(array<ItemSpec[], VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, array<String[]) Obsolete. Gets a set of property values for the specified items.
Public method GetWorkspace(String) Gets the Workspace that is mapped to the specified local path.
Public method GetWorkspace(WorkspaceInfo) Gets the Workspace associated with the specified WorkspaceInfo object.
Public method GetWorkspace(String, String) Gets the Workspace associated with the specified name and owner.
Public method QueryBranchObjectOwnership(array<Int32[]) Gets the BranchObjectOwnership objects associated with the specified Changeset IDs.
Public method QueryBranchObjectOwnership(array<Int32[], ItemSpec) Gets the BranchObjectOwnership objects associated with the specified Changeset IDs, constrained by the specified path filter.
Public method QueryBranchObjects Queries a BranchObject.
Public method QueryHistory(ItemSpec) Gets a collection of Changeset objects matching the specified items and versions.
Public method QueryHistory(QueryHistoryParameters) Gets a collection of Changeset objects matching the specified items and versions.
Public method QueryHistory(String, RecursionType) Gets a collection of Changeset objects matching the specified items and versions.
Public method QueryHistory(ItemSpec, Int32) Gets a collection of Changeset objects matching the specified items and versions.
Public method QueryHistory(String, RecursionType, Int32) Gets a collection of Changeset objects matching the specified items and versions.
Public method QueryHistory(String, VersionSpec, Int32, RecursionType, String, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) Gets a collection of Changeset objects matching the specified items and versions.
Public method QueryHistory(String, VersionSpec, Int32, RecursionType, String, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) Gets a collection of Changeset objects matching the specified items and versions.
Public method QueryHistory(String, VersionSpec, Int32, RecursionType, String, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) Gets a collection of Changeset objects matching the specified items and versions.
Public method QueryLabels(String, String, String, Boolean) Queries for an array of VersionControlLabel objects applied to items in the repository.
Public method QueryLabels(String, String, String, Boolean, String, VersionSpec) Queries for an array of VersionControlLabel objects applied to items in the repository.
Public method QueryLabels(String, String, String, Boolean, String, VersionSpec, Boolean) Queries for an array of VersionControlLabel objects applied to items in the repository.
Public method QueryMergeRelationships Gets an array of all items that have a merge relationship to the specified item.
Public method QueryMerges(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, ItemSpec, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, VersionSpec) Gets the merge history of the specified target item with an optional source.
Public method QueryMerges(String, VersionSpec, String, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, RecursionType) Gets the merge history of the requested item with an optional source.
Public method QueryMerges(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, ItemSpec, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, Boolean) Gets the merge history of the requested item with an optional source.
Public method QueryMerges(String, VersionSpec, String, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, RecursionType, Boolean) Gets the merge history of the requested item with an optional source.
Public method QueryMergesExtended(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, VersionSpec) Gets the merge history for a specific item and version range.
Public method QueryMergesExtended(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, QueryMergesExtendedOptions) Gets the merge history for a specific item and version range.
Public method QueryMergesWithDetails(String, VersionSpec, Int32, String, VersionSpec, Int32, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, RecursionType) Gets the merge history with details of the specified target item with an optional source.
Public method QueryMergesWithDetails(String, VersionSpec, Int32, String, VersionSpec, Int32, VersionSpec, VersionSpec, RecursionType, Boolean) Gets the merge history with details of the specified target item with an optional source.
Public method QueryPendingSets(array<ItemSpec[], String, String) Gets the pending changes for the specified query.
Public method QueryPendingSets(array<String[], RecursionType, String, String) Gets the pending changes for the specified query.
Public method QueryPendingSets(array<ItemSpec[], String, String, Boolean) Gets the pending changes for the specified query.
Public method QueryPendingSets(array<ItemSpec[], String, String, Boolean, Boolean) Gets the pending changes for the specified query.
Public method QueryPendingSets(array<ItemSpec[], String, String, Boolean, Boolean, array<String[]) Gets the pending changes for the specified query.
Public method QueryRootBranchObjects Queries all BranchObject objects that have no parent.
Public method QueryShelvedChanges(Shelveset) Gets the shelved changes in the specified Shelveset.
Public method QueryShelvedChanges(String, String) Gets the shelved changes in the specified Shelveset.
Public method QueryShelvedChanges(Shelveset, array<ItemSpec[]) Gets the shelved changes in the specified Shelveset.
Public method QueryShelvedChanges(String, String, array<ItemSpec[]) Gets the shelved changes in the specified Shelveset.
Public method QueryShelvedChanges(String, String, array<ItemSpec[], Boolean) Gets the shelved changes in the specified Shelveset.
Public method QueryShelvedChanges(String, String, array<ItemSpec[], Boolean, array<String[]) Gets the shelved changes in the specified Shelveset.
Public method QueryShelvesets(String, String) Queries an array of Shelveset objects with the specified name and/or owner.
Public method QueryShelvesets(String, String, array<String[])
Public method QueryWorkspaces(String, String, String) Gets an array of Workspace objects that match the specified name, owner, computer, or any combination of these criteria.
Public method QueryWorkspaces(String, String, String, WorkspacePermissions) Gets an array of Workspace objects that match the specified name, owner, computer, or any combination of these criteria. Also allows filtering by permission.
Public method RenameCheckinNoteFieldName Rename all instances of the specified CheckinNote field to the new specified name for the given team project folder.
Public method ResetCheckinDates Resets the check in dates.
Public method ServerItemExists(String, ItemType) Checks to see if the item of the specified path and type exists in the repository.
Public method ServerItemExists(String, VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType) Checks to see if the item of the specified path, version, and type exists in the repository.
Public method SetChangesetProperty(Int32, array<PropertyValue[]) Sets a list of PropertyValue objects to a Changeset.
Public method SetChangesetProperty(Int32, List<PropertyValue>) Sets a list of PropertyValue objects to a Changeset.
Public method SetChangesetProperty(Int32, String, array<Byte[]) Sets a PropertyValue object to a Changeset.
Public method SetChangesetProperty(Int32, String, Nullable<DateTime>) Sets a PropertyValue object to a Changeset.
Public method SetChangesetProperty(Int32, String, Nullable<Double>) Sets a PropertyValue object to a Changeset.
Public method SetChangesetProperty(Int32, String, Nullable<Int32>) Sets a of PropertyValue object to a Changeset.
Public method SetChangesetProperty(Int32, String, String) Sets a of PropertyValue object to a Changeset.
Public method SetFileTypes Sets the file types registered on the server.
Public method SetGlobalPermissions Sets the permissions for items in the repository.
Public method SetPermissions Sets the permissions for items in the repository.
Public method SetServerSettings Sets the server settings.
Public method SetVersionedItemAttribute(array<ItemSpec[], VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, array<PropertyValue[]) Sets the attributes associated with the versioned item.
Public method SetVersionedItemAttribute(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, String, array<Byte[]) Sets the attributes associated with the versioned item.
Public method SetVersionedItemAttribute(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, String, Nullable<DateTime>) Sets the attributes associated with the versioned item.
Public method SetVersionedItemAttribute(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, String, Nullable<Double>) Sets the attributes associated with the versioned item.
Public method SetVersionedItemAttribute(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, String, Nullable<Int32>) Sets the attributes associated with the versioned item.
Public method SetVersionedItemAttribute(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, String, String) Sets the attributes associated with the versioned item.
Public method SetVersionedItemProperty(array<ItemSpec[], VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, array<PropertyValue[]) Obsolete. Sets a property on an array of versioned items.
Public method SetVersionedItemProperty(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, String, array<Byte[]) Obsolete. Sets a property on a versioned item.
Public method SetVersionedItemProperty(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, String, Nullable<DateTime>) Obsolete. Sets a property on a versioned item.
Public method SetVersionedItemProperty(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, String, Nullable<Double>) Obsolete. Sets a property on a versioned item.
Public method SetVersionedItemProperty(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, String, Nullable<Int32>) Obsolete. Sets a property on a versioned item.
Public method SetVersionedItemProperty(ItemSpec, VersionSpec, DeletedState, ItemType, String, String) Obsolete. Sets a property on a versioned items.
Public method StripUnsupportedCheckinOptions Remove unsupported check-in parameters from a CheckInParameters instance.
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method TrackMerges(array<Int32[], ItemIdentifier, array<ItemIdentifier[], ItemSpec) Gets merges that occurred from a source item to a set of target items, for a list of source Changeset IDs.
Public method TrackMerges(array<Int32[], ItemIdentifier, array<ItemIdentifier[], ItemSpec, array<String[]%) Gets merges that occurred from a source item to a set of target items, for a list of source Changeset IDs.
Public method TryGetTeamProject Gets the team project in the repository with the specified name.
Public method TryGetTeamProjectForServerPath Gets the team project for the specified server path.
Public method TryGetWorkspace Gets the workspace that is mapped to the specified local path. Does not throw an exception.
Public method UnlabelItem(String, String, array<ItemSpec[], VersionSpec) Removes a label applied to an item.
Public method UnlabelItem(String, String, array<ItemSpec[], VersionSpec, Predicate<Failure>, array<Failure[]%) Removes a label that is applied to an item.
Public method UpdateBranchObject Updates an existing BranchObject in Team Foundation Server.
Public method UpdateShelveset Updates the shelveset.
Public method UpdateUserName Fixes the display name for the current user on this server.


See Also


VersionControlServer Class

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client Namespace