PrintControllerWithStatusDialog.OnEndPrint Method


Completes the control sequence that determines when and how to print a document.

 override void OnEndPrint(System::Drawing::Printing::PrintDocument ^ document, System::Drawing::Printing::PrintEventArgs ^ e);
public override void OnEndPrint (System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument document, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs e);
override this.OnEndPrint : System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument * System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs -> unit
Public Overrides Sub OnEndPrint (document As PrintDocument, e As PrintEventArgs)



A PrintDocument that represents the document currently being printed.


A PrintPageEventArgs that contains the event data.


The PrintControllerWithStatusDialog class calls the PrintController.OnEndPrint method on the encapsulated PrintController.

The OnEndPrint method is called immediately after the PrintDocument raises the EndPrint event.

The OnStartPrint method creates the Graphics object that is sent to the printer. After OnStartPrint is called, the OnStartPage method sets the Graphics object to a graphic of a single page. (Use OnStartPrint to determine when and how to print a document. For example, you can delay printing for 30 minutes or adjust the printer settings for the document.) The OnEndPage method clears the Graphics object, while OnEndPrint deallocates the object.

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