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System.Web.Http.OData Namespace

The System.Web.Http.OData namespace contains classes for controllers and attributes of the framework.


  Class Description
Public class AsyncEntitySetController<TEntity, TKey> Provides a convenient starting point for a controller that exposes an OData entity set. This is the asynchronous version of EntitySetController<TEntity, TKey> .
Public class ClrTypeAnnotation Represents a mapping from an IEdmType to a CLR type.
Public class Delta A class the tracks changes (i.e. the Delta) for an entity.
Public class Delta<TEntityType> A class the tracks changes (i.e. the delta) for a particular TEntityType.
Public class EdmComplexObject Represents an IEdmComplexObject with no backing CLR Type.
Public class EdmComplexObjectCollection Represents an IEdmObject that is a collection of IEdmComplexObjects.
Public class EdmEntityObject Represents an IEdmEntityObject with no backing CLR Type.
Public class EdmEntityObjectCollection Represents the collection of EDM entity object type.
Public class EdmModelExtensions Provides extension methods for the IEdmModel interface.
Public class EdmStructuredObject Represents an IEdmStructuredObject with no backing CLR Type.
Public class EntityInstanceContext An instance of EntityInstanceContext<TEntityType> gets passed to the self link ( HasIdLink, HasEditLink, HasReadLink ) and navigation link ( HasNavigationPropertyLink, HasNavigationPropertiesLink ) builders and can be used by the link builders to generate links.
Public class EntityInstanceContext<TEntityType> Represents an instance of EntityInstanceContext<TEntityType> gets passed to the self link (HasIdLink, HasEditLink, HasReadLink) and navigation link (HasNavigationPropertyLink, HasNavigationPropertiesLink) builders and can be used by the link builders to generate links.
Public class EntitySetController<TEntity, TKey> Provides a convenient starting point for a controller that exposes an OData entity set. This is the synchronous version of AsyncEntitySetController<TEntity, TKey>.
Public class FeedContext Contains context information about the feed currently being serialized.
Public class FromODataUriAttribute An implementation of ParameterBindingAttribute that can bind URI parameters using OData conventions.
Public class NullEdmComplexObject Represents an IEdmComplexObject that is null.
Public class ODataActionParameters ActionPayload holds the Parameter names and values provided by a client in a POST request to invoke a particular Action. The Parameter values are stored in the dictionary keyed using the Parameter name.
Public class ODataController Defines a base class for OData controllers that support writing and reading data using the OData formats.
Public class ODataFormattingAttribute An attribute to be placed on controllers that enables the OData formatters.
Public class ODataMetadataController Represents an ApiController for generating OData servicedoc and metadata document ($metadata).
Public class ODataNullValueAttribute Represents an attributes of the OData null value.
Public class ODataQueryContext This defines some context information used to perform query composition.
Public class ODataQueryParameterBindingAttribute A ParameterBindingAttribute to bind parameters of type ODataQueryOptions to the OData query from the incoming request.
Public class ODataRoutingAttribute Defines a controller-level attribute that can be used to enable OData action selection based on routing conventions.
Public class ODataUntypedActionParameters ActionPayload holds the Parameter names and values provided by a client in a POST request to invoke a particular Action. The Parameter values are stored in the dictionary keyed using the Parameter name.
Public class PageResult Represents a feed of entities that includes additional information that OData formats support.
Public class PageResult<T> Represents a feed of entities that includes additional information that OData formats support.
Public class TypedDelta Represents a Delta that can be used when a backing CLR type exists for the entity type whose changes are tracked.


  Interface Description
Public interface IDelta Allows and tracks changes to an object.
Public interface IEdmComplexObject Represents an instance of an IEdmComplexType.
Public interface IEdmEntityObject Represents an instance of an IEdmEntityType.
Public interface IEdmObject Represents an EDM instance.
Public interface IEdmStructuredObject Represents the structured object component of the Edm.