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VerifyEntitlementTokenResponse members

Contains properties of an app license token, including whether that token is valid, returned by the Office Store verification web service upon validation.

The VerifyEntitlementTokenResponse type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method VerifyEntitlementTokenResponse



  Name Description
Public property AssetId Gets or sets the asset ID assigned to the specified app by the Office Store.
Public property DeploymentId Gets or sets a GUID that represents the deployment ID of the SharePoint deployment to which this app license applies.
Public property EntitlementAcquisitionDate Gets or sets the time and date when the app license was acquired.
Public property EntitlementExpiryDate Gets or sets the time and date when the app license expires.
Public property EntitlementType Gets or sets the type of app license.
Public property IsEntitlementExpired Gets or sets whether the app license is expired.
Public property IsExpired Gets or sets whether the specified app license token is expired, and needs to be refreshed.
Public property IsSiteLicense Gets or sets whether the app license is a site license.
Public property IsTest Gets or sets whether the app license is a test license.
Public property IsValid Gets or sets whether the specified app license token is valid.
Public property ProductId Gets or sets the GUID that represents the product ID of the app.
Public property Seats Gets or sets the total number of users licensed to access this app, by this purchaser.
Public property SignInDate Gets or sets the time and date that represents either: the initial purchase of the license, or the latest manual license recovery time, if the purchaser has performed such a recovery by using their Microsoft account.
Public property SubscriptionState Gets or sets the subscription status of the app license.
Public property TokenExpiryDate Gets or sets the time and date when the app license token expires, after which the token needs to be refreshed.
Public property UserId Gets or sets the purchaser ID. This is an encrypted value of the Microsoft account used by the person who purchased the app.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See also


VerifyEntitlementTokenResponse class

VerificationSvc namespace