Attachments.Remove method (Outlook)

Removes an object from the collection.


expression.Remove (Index)

expression A variable that represents an Attachments object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Index Required Long The 1-based index value of the object within the collection.


This Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example uses the Remove method to remove all attachments from a forwarded message before sending it on to Dan Wilson. Before running this example, replace 'Dan Wilson' with a valid recipient name.

Sub RemoveAttachmentBeforeForwarding() 
 Dim myinspector As Outlook.Inspector 
 Dim myItem As Outlook.MailItem 
 Dim myattachments As Outlook.Attachments 
 Set myinspector = Application.ActiveInspector 
 If Not TypeName(myinspector) = "Nothing" Then 
 Set myItem = myinspector.CurrentItem.Forward 
 Set myattachments = myItem.Attachments 
 While myattachments.Count > 0 
 myattachments.Remove 1 
 myItem.Recipients.Add "Dan Wilson" 
 MsgBox "There is no active inspector." 
 End If 
End Sub

See also

Attachments Object

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