Creating Custom Forms by Using Visual Basic Scripting Edition

Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) is a subset of Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). You can use VBScript to create procedures that control Microsoft Outlook folders, objects, items, and properties.

VBScript in Outlook requires a special object syntax that is different from referencing objects in VBA. For more information, see Outlook Object Model.

You can choose the Outlook item on which to base your custom form. For more information, see Choosing an Item.

You can extend Outlook forms by using custom controls from the Control Toolbox. Outlook forms can use most of the properties and methods that come with the controls. Since controls cannot store values, you must bind the control to an Outlook field to store the value. For more information, see Binding.

The Outlook object browser displays the classes, properties, methods, events, and constants that are available from the Outlook object library. Open the object browser to view and use objects, and to obtain information about the syntax for using the object. For more information, see Viewing and Using the Object Browser.