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Survey Object Members

SharePoint Designer Developer Reference

Contains information about the Survey object that allows users to vote on issues and share information.


  Name Description
ApplyChanges Applies changes made to a Survey object.


  Name Description
AllowAttachments Sets or returns a Boolean that represents whether a list allows attachments.
AllowModerate Sets or returns a Boolean that represents whether to allow using the moderation setting in a list.
AllowMultipleResponses Returns or sets a Boolean that determines whether users can respond more than once to a given survey. If False, a user can respond only once to a survey.
Application Returns an Application object that represents the 2nd_SPDesignerGeneric application.
DefaultViewPage Returns or sets a String that defines the relative URL to the page that is viewed when the list is opened.
Description Returns or sets a String that represents the description for a list.
DesignSecurity Returns or sets a ListDesignSecurity constant that defines the security permissions of a survey.
DisplayForm Returns or sets a String that represents the relative URL of the form that contains the user interface associated with a survey.
EditForm Returns or sets a String that represents the relative URL of the form used for editing a survey in 1st_SPDesigner12.
EditSecurity Returns or sets a ListEditSecurity constant that determines which users can edit a survey.
Fields Returns a ListFields collection that represents all fields in a survey.
Folder Returns a WebFolder object that represents the parent folder that contains the survey.
ID Returns a String that represents an identification for a survey. Read-only.
IsHidden Sets or returns a Boolean that represents whether to display a list in the browser.
IsModified Returns a Boolean that represents whether a list has been changed since the last time the list was updated.
Name Returns a String that represents the name of a survey in a Web site.
NewForm Returns or sets a String that represents the form used for adding new content to a survey in a Web site.
Parent Returns an Object that represents the parent object of the specified object. Read-only.
ReadOnly Returns a Boolean that indicates whether a survey has read-only permissions. True indicates that the survey cannot be modified by the user.
ReadSecurity Returns or sets a ListReadSecurity constant that represents which users can read the information in a survey.
ShowUserNamesInResults Returns or sets a Boolean that determines whether the names of users who have completed the survey are visible. Read/write.
Type Returns a ListType constant that specifies that the list is a survey.
ViewPages Returns a String array that represents a list of pages that contain a view for the list.
Web Returns a Web object that represents the parent Web site for a survey.