New Members and Constants

SharePoint Designer Developer Reference

New Members

The following properties, methods, and events have been added to existing objects in Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007.


Properties Description
Assistance Returns an Assistance object that represents the Microsoft Office Help Viewer. Read-only.
Methods Description


Properties Description
ID Returns a String that represents an identification for a basic list. Read-only.


Properties Description
ID Returns a String that represents an identification for a discussion. Read-only.


Properties Description
ID Returns a String that represents an identification for a document library. Read-only.


Properties Description
ID Returns a String that represents an identification for a list. Read-only.


Events Description
OnActivate Occurs when the page window obtains the focus and becomes the current window.
OnAfterSave Occurs after the active document has been saved by the user.
OnAfterViewChange Occurs after the view has changed in the active page window or Web site window.
OnBeforeSave Occurs before a page in an active extended page window is saved.
OnBeforeViewChange Occurs before the view mode of the page window changes.
OnClose Occurs when a user closes the active page window.


Properties Description
ID Returns a String that represents an identification for a survey. Read-only.


Properties Description
ContributorGlobalSettings Returns a ContributorGlobalSettings object that represents ???. Read-only.
WorkflowDoclibUrl Returns a String that represents the URL to the document library that contains the workflows for a Web site. Read-only.
Methods Description
VerifyAllLinks Verifies all hyperlinks in the specified Web site.
Events Description
OnAfterPublish Occurs after a Web site is published.
OnBeforePublish Occurs before a Web site is published.
OnClose Occurs when a user closes the active Web site window.
OnRecalculateHyperlinks Occurs before the hyperlink structure in Hyperlinks view is recalculated to view changes made to the Web site.
OnWebFileCheckOut Occurs when a file in the current Web site is checked out.


Properties Description
Version Returns a Stringthat represents the version of the specified object with the format: "x.x.x", where x represents a number in the version. Read-only.


Events Description
OnActivate Occurs when the Web window obtains the focus and becomes the current window.
OnAfterViewChange Occurs after the view has changed in the active page window or Web site window.
OnBeforeViewChange Occurs before the view mode of the Web site window changes.
OnDeactivate Occurs when a user switches to another application window and the active Web site window loses the focus.