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Permission.Add Method

Office Developer Reference

Creates a set of permissions on the active document for the specified user. Returns a UserPermission object.


expression.Add(UserID, Permission, ExpirationDate)

expression   Required. A variable that represents a Permission object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
UserID Required String The e-mail address (in the format of the user to whom permissions on the active document are being granted.
Permission Optional msoPermission The permissions on the active document that are being granted to the specified user.
ExpirationDate Optional Date The expiration date for the permissions that are being granted.


The following example assigns a combination of read and edit permissions on the current document to a user and specifies an expiration date for these document permissions.

Visual Basic for Applications
      Dim objUserPerm As Office.UserPermission
    Set objUserPerm = ActiveWorkbook.Permission.Add( _
        "", _
        msoPermissionRead + msoPermissionEdit, #12/31/2005#)
    MsgBox "Permissions added for " & _
        objUserPerm.UserId, _
        vbInformation + vbOKOnly, _
        "Permissions Added"
    Set objUserPerm = Nothing

See Also