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Permission.RequestPermissionURL Property

Office Developer Reference

Gets or sets the file or Web site URL to visit or the e-mail address to contact for users who need additional permissions on the active document. Read/write.



expression   A variable that represents a Permission object.


The RequestPermissionURL setting corresponds to the Users can request additional permissions from option in the permissions user interface. Use the RequestPermissionURL property to specify a file, a Web site, or an e-mail contact from which users can request, or learn how to request, additional permissions on the active document, for example:

  • A Web address:
    Visual Basic for Applications


    - A file:
    Visual Basic for Applications
    - An email address:
    Visual Basic for Applications


    The following example displays information about the permissions settings of the active document, including the RequestPermissionURL setting.

    Visual Basic for Applications
         Dim irmPermission As Office.Permission
        Dim strIRMInfo As String
        Set irmPermission = ActiveWorkbook.Permission
        If irmPermission.Enabled Then
            strIRMInfo = "Permissions are restricted on this document." & vbCrLf
            strIRMInfo = strIRMInfo & " View in trusted browser: " & _
                irmPermission.EnableTrustedBrowser & vbCrLf & _
                " Document author: " & irmPermission.DocumentAuthor & vbCrLf & _
                " Users with permissions: " & irmPermission.Count & vbCrLf & _
                " Cache licenses locally: " & irmPermission.StoreLicenses & vbCrLf & _
                " Request permission URL: " & irmPermission.RequestPermissionURL & vbCrLf
            If irmPermission.PermissionFromPolicy Then
                strIRMInfo = strIRMInfo & " Permissions applied from policy:" & vbCrLf & _
                "  Policy name: " & irmPermission.PolicyName & vbCrLf & _
                "  Policy description: " & irmPermission.PolicyDescription
                strIRMInfo = strIRMInfo & " Default permissions applied."
            End If
            strIRMInfo = "Permissions are NOT restricted on this document."
        End If
        MsgBox strIRMInfo, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "IRM Information"
        Set irmPermission = Nothing

    See Also