WizardValue Object [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]


Represents a possible value for the specified wizard property.

Using the WizardValue object

Use the Item property of the WizardValues collection to return a WizardValue object. The following example displays the current value for the first wizard property in the active publication and then lists all the other possible values.

Dim valAll As WizardValues
Dim valLoop As WizardValue

With ActiveDocument.Wizard
    Set valAll = .Properties(1).Values

    MsgBox "Wizard: " & .Name & vbLf & _
        "Property: " & .Properties(1).Name & vbLf & _
        "Current value: " & .Properties(1).CurrentValueId

    For Each valLoop In valAll
        MsgBox "Possible value: " & valLoop.ID & " (" & valLoop.Name & ")"
    Next valLoop
End With

Properties | Application Property | ID Property | Name Property | Parent Property

Parent Objects | WizardProperty

Child Objects