Determining the Amount of Memory Used by the OS Image

If you have built a platform and want to determine the amount of memory used by the OS image, you can either use the command-line tool Viewbin.exe or the output messages in the IDE build window during the Make Image phase. For more information, see Viewbin Tool and Build Phases.

To determine the amount of memory used by the OS image using Viewbin.exe

  1. From the command line, navigate to the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Bin\I386 directory.

  2. At the command prompt, enter the following command, where <path> indicates the directory path where Nk.bin is located:

    viewbin <path>nk.bin
  3. Find the length information from the output to determine the size of the OS image.

    The number corresponding to the length entry specifies the size of the OS image.

    The following example shows the output produced using the Viewbin tool. The size of the OS image is 0x013E6718 or 20,378 KB.

    ViewBin... c:\wince420\public\sampleplatform\reldir\cepc_x86release\nk.bin
    Image Start = 0x00220000, length = 0x013E6718
                    Start address = 0x00227378
    Checking record #235 for potential TOC (ROMOFFSET = 0x80000000)
    Found pTOC  = 0x81603c20
    ROMOFFSET = 0x80000000

To determine the amount of memory used by the OS image using output messages from the IDE build window

  1. If you have just built a platform using the IDE, scan the end of the output messages in the IDE build window.

  2. Find the total ROM size information to determine the size of the OS image.

    The number corresponding to the total ROM size entry specifies the size of the OS image.

    The following example shows the output message in the IDE build window during the very end of the Make Image phase. The size of the OS image is 013e6718 or 20,866,840 bytes.

    Writing C:\WINCE420\PUBLIC\SamplePlatform\RelDir\CEPC_X~1\NK.bin
    Table of contents  81603c74  00002aa4  (     10916)
    Writing ROM signature and TOC pointer at 80220040
    Kernel data copy section  8045df88  00000040  (        64)
    ROM Header                81603c20  00000054  (        84)
    First DLL code Address:  02790000
    Last DLL code Address:   04000000
    First DLL Address:       01e001e0
    Last DLL Address:        02000000
    Physical Start Address:  80220000
    Physical End Address:    81606718
    Start RAM:               81607000
    Start of free RAM:       81647000
    End of RAM:              81c00000
    Number of Modules:       230
    Number of Copy Sections: 4
    Copy Section Offset:     8045df88
    Kernel Flags:            00000002
    FileSys 4K Chunks/Mbyte: 128 <2Mbyte  128 2-4Mbyte  0 4-6Mbyte  0 >6Mbyte
    CPU Type:                    014ch
    Extensions Pointer:      802218d8
    Total ROM size:          013e6718 (  20866840)
    Starting ip:             80227378
    Raw files size:          0038dc38
    Compressed files size:   001d9ddf
    Compacting bin file...
    makeimg: Check for C:\WINCE420\PUBLIC\SamplePlatform\RelDir\CEPC_X~1\PostRomImage.bat to run.
    makeimg: Check for C:\WINCE420\PUBLIC\SamplePlatform\RelDir\CEPC_X~1\PostMakeImg.bat to run.
    SAMPLEPLATFORM - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)

See Also

Building a Platform | Enabling an OS Image Size Larger Than 32 MB | How to Decrease Run-Time Image Size on a CEPC

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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