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This function writes memory to a process being debugged. The entire area of memory must be accessible, or the operation fails.

ULONG WriteMemory(
  ULONG offset,
  LPCVOID lpbuffer,
  ULONG cb,
  PULONG lpcbBytesWritten


  • offset
    [in] Base address of the memory to write in the process being debugged.
  • lpbuffer
    [in] Pointer to a buffer that receives the contents of memory written.
  • cb
    [in] Number of bytes to write.
  • lpcbBytesWritten
    [in] Optional. Pointer to the actual number of bytes transferred from the buffer.

Return Values

This function returns TRUE if the function call succeeds. Otherwise, the function returns FALSE.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Wdbgexts.h.
Link Library: Developer defined.

See Also

Debugger Extension Functions

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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