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Changes in the Windows CE Operating System

The topics in this section describe changes Windows CE that were made subsequent to the release of Windows CE 3.0, and potential issues that may arise when porting a legacy operating system to Windows CE .NET 4.2. This information is intended for developers who are migrating an operating system based on a version 3.0, 4.0, or 4.1 to Windows CE .NET 4.2. If you are migrating a version 2.12-based platform, see Migration from Windows CE 2.12 to Windows CE .NET.

If you modeled your platform on one of the Windows CE 3.0-based sample platforms, see Migration Map for a listing of the Sysgen flags that correspond to the modules and components of your existing platform.

In This Section

Applications and Services Development Changes

Applications - End User Changes

Communication Services and Networking Changes

Core Operating System Services Changes

File Systems and Data Store Changes

Font Changes

International Changes

Internet Client Services Changes

Multimedia Technologies Changes

Security Changes

Shell and User Interface Changes

New Features in Windows CE .NET 4.0

New Features in Windows CE .NET 4.1

New Features in Windows CE .NET 4.2

See Also

What's New | New OS Features | Migrating from Windows CE 3.0 to Windows CE .NET | Changes in Platform Builder

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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