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The PageSize property gets or sets the page size in a paged search.

public Int32 PageSize {get; set;}
Public Property PageSize As Int32

Property Value

The maximum number of objects the server can return in a paged search. The default is zero, which means do not do a paged search.


Exception type Condition
ArgumentException PageSize is less than zero.


After the server has found a PageSize object, it will stop searching and return the results to the client. When the client requests more data, the server will restart the search where it left off.


Client Requires Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Me, or Windows 98.
Server Requires Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, or Windows NT 4.0.

Defined in System.DirectoryServices.


Requires System.DirectoryServices (in System.DirectoryServices.dll).

.NET Framework

Requires .NET Framework 1.0.

See Also

DirectorySearcher, DirectorySearcher Constructors, DirectorySearcher Methods, DirectorySearcher Properties, System.DirectoryServices Namespace, DirectorySearcher Members (Visual J# Syntax), Managed Extensions for C++ Programming