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IContactProperties::SetString Method

Sets the string value of a specified property to that of a specified null-terminated string.


HRESULT SetString(      
    LPCWSTR pszPropertyName,
    DWORD dwFlags,
    LPWSTR pszValue


  • pszPropertyName
    [in] Specifies the property to set.
  • dwFlags
    [in] CGD_DEFAULT can be used to create or overwrite value at pszPropertyName.
  • pszValue
    [in] Specifies null-terminated string to store.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values:

S_OK Value is set at this property.
ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND Property name invalid for set.
ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE Unable to set value for this property due to schema.


To set a single-level property, set pszPropertyName to the property name.

To set a property from a multi-value property, set pszPropertyName to the form: toplevel/secondlevel[4]/thirdlevel.