Including a CallTo URL in Your Web Page

Add this script code to your HTML page to embed the NetMeeting CallTo URL in the <BODY> of your script in order to provide simple CallTo, HangUp, and UnDock functionality:

<object ID=NetMeeting CLASSID="CLSID:3E9BAF2D-7A79-11d2-9334-0000F875AE17">
<PARAM NAME = "MODE" VALUE = "DataOnly"> </object>
<input type=button value ="callto:"id=CallToBtn onclick=NetMeeting.CallTo(CallToAddress.value)>
<input type=text id=CallToAddress>
<input type=button value ="Hangup"id=HangUpBtn onclick=NetMeeting.LeaveConference()>
<input type=button value ="UnDock"id=UnDockBtn onclick=NetMeeting.UnDock()>

The <OBJECT> tag loads the NetMeeting control. The <PARAM NAME> tag sets the viewing mode. This specific line sets the view mode to DataOnly. The <input type..> instructions define the actions for the Web page when the user either clicks one of the buttons or types an address in the CallTo text box.


In this example, the viewing mode is set to DataOnly, which means no audio/video. Other viewing modes, including the telephone number pad mode, are defined in Viewing Modes.

See Also

CallTo URL Syntax