IOleInPlaceSite::DeactivateAndUndo method (oleidl.h)

Deactivates the object, ends the in-place session, and reverts to the container's saved undo state.


HRESULT DeactivateAndUndo();

Return value

This method returns S_OK on success. Other possible return values include the following.

Return code Description
An unexpected error has occurred.


Notes to Callers

Called by the active object when the user invokes undo just after activating the object.

Notes to Implementers

Upon completion of this call, the container should call IOleInPlaceObject::UIDeactivate to remove the user interface for the object, activate itself, and undo.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header oleidl.h

See also
