Graphics::Restore method (gdiplusgraphics.h)

The Graphics::Restore method sets the state of this Graphics object to the state stored by a previous call to the Graphics::Save method of this Graphics object.


Status Restore(
  [in] GraphicsState gstate


[in] gstate

Type: GraphicsState

32-bit value (returned by a previous call to the Graphics::Save method of this Graphics object) that identifies a block of saved state.

Return value

Type: Status

If the method succeeds, it returns Ok, which is an element of the Status enumeration.

If the method fails, it returns one of the other elements of the Status enumeration.


When you call the Graphics::Save method of a Graphics object, an information block that holds the state of the Graphics object is put on a stack. The Graphics::Save method returns a value that identifies that information block. When you pass the identifying value to the Restore method, the information block is removed from the stack and is used to restore the Graphics object to the state it was in at the time of the Graphics::Save call. Note that the identifier returned by a given call to the Graphics::Save method can be passed only once to the Graphics::Restore method.

Calls to the Graphics::Save method can be nested; that is, you can call the Graphics::Save method several times before you call the Graphics::Restore method. Each time you call the Graphics::Save method, an information block is put on the stack, and you receive an identifier for the information block. When you pass one of those identifiers to the Graphics::Restore method, the Graphics object is returned to the state it was in at the time of the Graphics::Save call that returned that particular identifier. The information block placed on the stack by that Graphics::Save call is removed from the stack, and all information blocks placed on that stack after that Graphics::Save call are also removed.

Calls to the BeginContainer method place information blocks on the same stack as calls to the Graphics::Save method. Just as a Graphics::Restore call is paired with a Graphics::Save call, an EndContainer call is paired with a BeginContainer call.

Note  When you call Graphics::Restore, all information blocks placed on the stack (by Graphics::Save or by BeginContainer) after the corresponding call to Graphics::Save are removed from the stack. Likewise, When you call EndContainer, all information blocks placed on the stack (by Graphics::Save or by BeginContainer) after the corresponding call to BeginContainer are removed from the stack.


The following examples show two ways to use the Graphics::Restore method. The first example shows how to restore nested saved states, and the second example shows how to restore only the first of two nested saved states.

Restoring Nested Saved States

The following example sets the world transformation of a Graphics object to a rotation and then saves the state of the Graphics object. Next, the code calls TranslateTransform, and saves the state again. Then the code calls ScaleTransform. At that point, the world transformation of the Graphics object is a composite transformation: first rotate, then translate, then scale. The code uses a red pen to draw an ellipse that is transformed by that composite transformation.

The code passes state2, which was returned by the second call to Save, to the Graphics::Restore method, and draws the ellipse again using a green pen. The green ellipse is rotated and translated but not scaled. Finally the code passes state1, which was returned by the first call to Save, to the Graphics::Restore method, and draws the ellipse again using a blue pen. The blue ellipse is rotated but not translated or scaled.

VOID Example_Save1(HDC hdc)
   Graphics graphics(hdc);
   GraphicsState state1, state2;

   state1 = graphics.Save();
   graphics.TranslateTransform(100.0f, 0.0f, MatrixOrderAppend);
   state2 = graphics.Save();
   graphics.ScaleTransform(1.0f, 3.0f, MatrixOrderAppend);
   // Draw an ellipse. 
   // Three transformations apply: rotate, then translate, then scale.
   Pen redPen(Color(255, 255, 0, 0));
   graphics.DrawEllipse(&redPen, 0, 0, 100, 20);
   // Restore to state2 and draw the ellipse again. 
   // Two transformations apply: rotate then translate.
   Pen greenPen(Color(255, 0, 255, 0));
   graphics.DrawEllipse(&greenPen, 0, 0, 100, 20);

   // Restore to state1 and draw the ellipse again. 
   // Only the rotation transformation applies.
   Pen bluePen(Color(255, 0, 0, 255));
   graphics.DrawEllipse(&bluePen, 0, 0, 100, 20);

Restoring Only the First of Two Nested Saved States

The following example sets the world transformation of a Graphics object to a rotation and then saves the state of the Graphics object. Next, the code calls TranslateTransform, and saves the state again. Then the code calls ScaleTransform. At that point, the world transformation of the Graphics object is a composite transformation: first rotate, then translate, then scale. The code uses a red pen to draw an ellipse that is transformed by that composite transformation.

The code passes state1, which was returned by the first call to Save, to the Graphics::Restore method, and draws the ellipse again using a green pen. The green ellipse is rotated but not translated or scaled.

Next the code attempts to restore the state identified by state2. The attempt fails because the call Restore(state1) removed the information blocks identified by both state1 and state2 from the stack.

VOID Example_Save2(HDC hdc)
   Graphics graphics(hdc);
   GraphicsState state1, state2;

   state1 = graphics.Save();
   graphics.TranslateTransform(100.0f, 0.0f, MatrixOrderAppend);
   state2 = graphics.Save();
   graphics.ScaleTransform(1.0f, 3.0f, MatrixOrderAppend);
   // Draw an ellipse. 
   // Three transformations apply: rotate, then translate, then scale.
   Pen redPen(Color(255, 255, 0, 0));
   graphics.DrawEllipse(&redPen, 0, 0, 100, 20);
   // Restore to state1 and draw the ellipse again. 
   // Only the rotation transformation applies.
   Pen greenPen(Color(255, 0, 255, 0));
   graphics.DrawEllipse(&greenPen, 0, 0, 100, 20);

   // The information block identified by state2 has been lost.
   // The following call to Restore has no effect because
   // Restore(state1) removed from the stack the
   // information blocks identified by state1 and state2.

   // The Graphics object is still in the state identified by state1.
   // The following code draws a blue ellipse on top of the previously
   // drawn green ellipse.
   Pen bluePen(Color(255, 0, 0, 255));
   graphics.DrawEllipse(&bluePen, 0, 0, 100, 20);


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header gdiplusgraphics.h (include Gdiplus.h)
Library Gdiplus.lib
DLL Gdiplus.dll

See also

