Matrix::Matrix(REAL,REAL,REAL,REAL,REAL,REAL) method (gdiplusmatrix.h)

Creates and initializes a Matrix::Matrix object based on six numbers that define an affine transformation.


void Matrix(
  [in] REAL m11,
  [in] REAL m12,
  [in] REAL m21,
  [in] REAL m22,
  [in] REAL dx,
  [in] REAL dy


[in] m11

Type: REAL

Real number that specifies the element in the first row, first column—horizontal scaling component or cosine of rotation angle.

[in] m12

Type: REAL

Real number that specifies the element in the first row, second column—horizontal shear component or sine of rotation angle.

[in] m21

Type: REAL

Real number that specifies the element in the second row, first column—vertical shear component or negative sine of rotation angle.

[in] m22

Type: REAL

Real number that specifies the element in the second row, second column—vertical scaling component or cosine of rotation angle.

[in] dx

Type: REAL

Real number that specifies the element in the third row, first column—horizontal translation component.

[in] dy

Type: REAL

Real number that specifies the element in the third row, second column—vertical translation component.

Return value



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header gdiplusmatrix.h (include Gdiplus.h)
Library Gdiplus.lib
DLL Gdiplus.dll

See also

Global and Local Transformations


Matrix Constructors

Matrix Representation of Transformations
