UploadCtl Control

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Allows multiple documents to be uploaded from an external application to a document library on a site in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services.


When a user clicks Upload Multiple Files on Upload.aspx, the page for uploading documents, an <OBJECT> tag for the control is created on the page as follows:

<OBJECT id=idUploadCtl name=idUploadCtl


WIDTH='100%' HEIGHT='350px'></OBJECT>


The CLSID used in this tag is the GUID that uniquely identifies the ActiveX control that is installed with the Microsoft Office system. To implement a custom control for uploading documents, specify a different GUID.

When the 2007 Microsoft Office system is installed on the client computer, this control is defined in the STSUPLD.DLL file, a dynamic-link library (DLL) that is installed on the client during 2007 Office System setup in the Local_Drive:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12 directory.