Assert.AreEqual Method (Single, Single, Single, String, array<Object )

Verifies that two specified singles are equal, or within the specified accuracy of each other. The assertion fails if they are not within the specified accuracy of each other. Displays a message if the assertion fails, and applies the specified formatting to it.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.dll)


Public Shared Sub AreEqual ( _
    expected As Single, _
    actual As Single, _
    delta As Single, _
    message As String, _
    ParamArray parameters As Object() _
public static void AreEqual(
    float expected,
    float actual,
    float delta,
    string message,
    params Object[] parameters
static void AreEqual(
    float expected, 
    float actual, 
    float delta, 
    String^ message, 
    ... array<Object^>^ parameters
static member AreEqual : 
        expected:float32 * 
        actual:float32 * 
        delta:float32 * 
        message:string * 
        parameters:Object[] -> unit 
public static function AreEqual(
    expected : float, 
    actual : float, 
    delta : float, 
    message : String, 
    ... parameters : Object[]


  • expected
    Type: System.Single
    The first single to compare. This is the single the unit test expects.
  • actual
    Type: System.Single
    The second single to compare. This is the single the unit test produced.
  • delta
    Type: System.Single
    The required accuracy. The assertion will fail only if expected is different from actual by more than delta.
  • message
    Type: System.String
    A message to display if the assertion fails. This message can be seen in the unit test results.
  • parameters
    Type: array<System.Object[]
    An array of parameters to use when formatting message.


Exception Condition

expected is different from actual by more than delta.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


Assert Class

AreEqual Overload

Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting Namespace

Other Resources

Using the Assert Classes