IMetaDataImport2::GetMethodSpecProps method (rometadataapi.h)

Gets the metadata signature of the method referenced by the specified MethodSpec token.


HRESULT GetMethodSpecProps(
  [in]  mdMethodSpec    mi,
  [out] mdToken         *tkParent,
  [out] PCCOR_SIGNATURE *ppvSigBlob,
  [out] ULONG           *pcbSigBlob


[in] mi

A MethodSpec token that represents the instantiation of the method.

[out] tkParent

A pointer to the MethodDef or MethodRef token that represents the method definition.

[out] ppvSigBlob

A pointer to the binary metadata signature of the method.

[out] pcbSigBlob

The size, in bytes, of ppvSigBlob.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header rometadataapi.h

See also
