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CrystalReportViewer Properties

Public Properties

Property Description
Public property AutoDataBind (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets whether automatic data binding to a report source is used. If the value is set to True, the DataBind() method is called after OnInit() or Page_Init() events.
Public property BestFitPage  Gets or sets whether the page view is best fit to its size or clipped with scrollbars.
Public property BorderStyle  Overridden. Gets or sets the style of the border around the control.
Public property ClientTarget  Overridden. Gets or sets the target rendering for different browsers. Valid values are 'Uplevel', 'Downlevel', and 'Auto'.
Public property CssFilename (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets the file path of the cascading style sheet (CSS) file.
Public property DisplayGroupTree  Gets or sets whether the tree view is visible or hidden.
Public property DisplayPage  Gets or sets whether the page view is visible or hidden.
Public property DisplayToolbar  Gets or sets whether the toolbar is visible or hidden.
Public property DrilldownTarget  Gets or sets the frame target that drilldown will post back to.
Public property EnableDatabaseLogonPrompt (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets whether the CrystalReportViewer control prompts for database logon if required.
Public property EnableDrillDown  Gets or sets whether drilling down to a page/chart/summary is enabled.
Public property EnableParameterPrompt (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets whether the parameter prompt appears when the parameter values are not set.
Public property EnableToolTips (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets whether the ToolTip is visible or hidden.
Public property EnterpriseLogon (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets the logon information for an enterprise report.
Public property GroupTreeImagesFolderUrl  Gets or sets the URL path to the folder where the Group Tree images are stored.
Public property GroupTreeStyle  Gets or sets the display options for the group tree panel.
Public property HasCrystalLogo  Gets or sets whether the Crystal Reports' logo on the toolbar is visible or hidden.
Public property HasDrillUpButton  Gets or sets the visibility of the drill up button. The drill up button is used to bring the view up one level after you perform one or more drilldown actions.
Public property HasExportButton  Gets or sets whether the export button on the toolbar is visible or hidden.
Public property HasGotoPageButton  Gets or sets whether the goto page button on the toolbar is visible or hidden.
Public property HasPageNavigationButtons  Gets or sets whether the page navigation buttons on the toolbar are visible or hidden.
Public property HasPrintButton  Gets or sets whether the print button on the toolbar is visible or hidden.
Public property HasRefreshButton  Gets or sets whether the refresh button on the toolbar is visible or hidden.
Public property HasSearchButton  Gets or sets whether the search button on the toolbar is visible or hidden.
Public property HasToggleGroupTreeButton  Gets or sets whether the show/hide group tree button on the toolbar is visible or hidden.
Public property HasViewList  Gets or sets whether the view list on the toolbar is visible or hidden.
Public property HasZoomFactorList  Gets or sets whether the zoom factor list on the toolbar is visible or hidden.
Public property HyperlinkTarget  Determines whether the web page will be opened up in a new browser window, or in the existing browser window.
Public property LogOnInfo (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets the TableLogOnInfos collection.
Public property PageToTreeRatio  Sets the size ratio between the group tree and the report view.
Public property PageZoomFactor  Gets or sets the magnification factor for the report.
Public property ParameterFieldInfo (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets the parameter fields collection object.
Public property PrintMode  Gets or sets the print mode to print the report.
Public property ReportSource  Overridden. Sets the report to bind to the CrystalReportViewer control.
Public property ReportSourceClassFactoryName (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets the information needed to create an internal ReportSource object.
Public property ReportSourceID (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or Sets the ID of the ReportSourceControl to be used.
Public property ReuseParameterValuesOnRefresh (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets whether the current parameter values are used when the report is refreshed.
Public property SelectionFormula (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets the record selection formula of the report.
Public property SeparatePages  Gets or sets whether the report pages are separated or concatenated.
Public property ShowAllPageIds  Gets or sets whether the report object ids are given in the HTML.
Public property TabIndex  Overridden. Specifies the tab order of the control.
Public property ToolbarImagesFolderUrl  Gets or sets the URL path to images that are used for the toolbar.
Public property ToolbarStyle  Gets or sets the style properties for the toolbar.
Public property ViewInfo  Gets information about the current view of the report.
Public property ViewTimeSelectionFormula (Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase.) Gets or sets whether the current browser locale is used to display the report.


See Also


CrystalReportViewer Members
CrystalDecisions.Web Namespace