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Login Properties (Status Page)

Use this page to configure some authentication and authorization options of the selected SQL Server login.

A login that tries to connect to an instance of SQL Server must pass the following tests:

  • First, the login must prove its identity. One form of proof is knowledge of a secret, such as a password. When a login sends its password to the server, the real message is something like this: "Here is the secret word, known only to you and to the login I claim to be. Because I know the secret word, I must be who I say I am." A login that has proven its identity is said to be authenticated.
  • After the identity of the login has been established, the effective permissions of the login can be calculated. Only logins that have CONNECT SQL permission are authorized to connect to the server. If the login does not have CONNECT SQL permission on the server the connection will fail.


  • Permission to connect to database engine
    When you work with this setting, you should think of the selected login as a principal that can be granted or denied permission on a securable.

    Select Grant to grant CONNECT SQL permission to the login. Select Deny to deny CONNECT SQL to the login.

  • Login
    When you work with this setting, you should think of the selected login as a record in a table. Changes to the values listed here will be applied to the record.

    A login that has been disabled continues to exist as a record. But if it tries to connect to SQL Server, the login will not be authenticated.

    Select this option to enable or disable this login. This option uses the ALTER LOGIN statement with the either ENABLE or DISABLE option.

  • SQL Server authentication
    The check box Login is locked out is only available if the selected login connects using SQL Server authentication and the login has been locked out. This is a read-only option. To unlock a login that is locked out, execute ALTER LOGIN with the UNLOCK option.

See Also

Other Resources

GRANT (Transact-SQL)

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