IAppDomainSetup Interface

Provides properties that allow the host to configure an System.AppDomain type before calling the ICorRuntimeHost::CreateDomainEx method to create it.


Property Description
ApplicationBase Gets or sets the name of the directory that contains the application.
ApplicationName Gets or sets the name of the application.
CachePath Gets or sets the name of an area specific to the application where files are shadow-copied.
ConfigurationFile Gets or sets the name of the configuration file for an application.
DynamicBase Gets or sets the name of the directory where dynamically generated files are stored and accessed.
LicenseFile Gets or sets the path to the license file that is associated with this domain.
PrivateBinPath Gets or sets the list of directories combined with the ApplicationBase directory to probe for private assemblies.
PrivateBinPathProbe Gets or sets a string value that includes or excludes ApplicationBase from the search path for the application.
ShadowCopyDirectories Gets or sets the names of the directories that contain assemblies to be shadow-copied.
ShadowCopyFiles Gets or sets a string that indicates whether shadow-copying is turned on or off. Valid values are "true" or "false".


The IAppDomainSetup interface corresponds to the managed IAppDomainSetup interface, which the AppDomainSetup type implements. See System.IAppDomainSetup for detailed descriptions of its properties.

IAppDomainSetup represents assembly binding information that can be added to an AppDomain instance before its creation. For example, a host can set the ApplicationBase property to establish a root directory, which the common language runtime (CLR) probes for managed assemblies.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: MSCorEE.h

Library: Included as a resource in MSCorEE.dll

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 1.1

See also