ISqlServerObjectExplorerService Interface


This interface is used to expose the SqlServerObjectExplorerService, which can be used to perform various actions found in the SQL Server Object Explorer. All calls to the methods on this interface must be performed from the UI thread. Calls that are not made on the UI thread may throw exceptions.

Namespace:   Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Tools
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Tools.Design (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Tools.Design.dll)


public interface ISqlServerObjectExplorerService
public interface class ISqlServerObjectExplorerService
type ISqlServerObjectExplorerService = interface end
Public Interface ISqlServerObjectExplorerService


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod Add(SqlConnectionStringBuilder, SqlServerObjectType)

Creates a new connected editor window populated with the new object template for the given object type.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Browse(SqlConnectionStringBuilder)

Shows the SQL Server Object Explorer and expands to the instance provided in the connection.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Delete(SqlConnectionStringBuilder, SqlServerObjectType, String[])

Deletes objects and dependent objects from a database. A confirmation dialog is presented.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Execute(SqlConnectionStringBuilder, String[])

Executes the given programmability object. A parameter dialog is presented first, followed by the creation of a new connected editor window where the statement is then executed.

System_CAPS_pubmethod OpenQuery(SqlConnectionStringBuilder)

Creates a new connected editor window.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ViewCode(SqlConnectionStringBuilder, SqlServerObjectType, String[])

Opens the CREATE statement for the object in a new connected editor.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ViewData(SqlConnectionStringBuilder, SqlServerObjectType, String[])

Opens an editable data grid for the object's data.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ViewDesigner(SqlConnectionStringBuilder, SqlServerObjectType, String[])

Opens the designer for the provided object.

See Also

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Tools Namespace

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