WorkspaceSpec Methods

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The WorkspaceSpec type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public methodStatic member Combine(String, String) Builds the qualified workspace name from the separate workspace and owner parts.
Public methodStatic member Combine(String, String, String) Builds the fully qualified workspace name with owner disambiguation from the separate workspace and owner parts.
Public methodStatic member IsLegalName Checks to see whether the workspace name consists only of valid characters and is less than the maximum length and does not contain a workspace separator.
Public methodStatic member Parse(String, String, String%, String%) Parses a workspace spec of the form Workspace user and returns the two parts. If the user name is not specified (or fully qualified) in the workspace specification, uses information from the defaultUser argument. NOTE: This method may qualified username (e.g. it lacked the domain\ prefix), this routine does not attempt to provide the missing pieces. The caller is responsible for doing this.
Public methodStatic member Parse(String, String, String, String%, String%, String%) Parses a workspace specification of the form Workspace user and returns the two parts. If the user name is not specified (or fully qualified) in the workspace specification, uses information from the defaultUser arguments. NOTE: This method may qualified username (e.g. it lacked the domain\ prefix), this routine does not attempt to provide the missing pieces. The caller is responsible for doing this.
Public methodStatic member SanitizeProposedName Given a proposed name for a shelveset or workspace, truncates it at the maximum length for shelveset and workspace names, and removes invalid characters. Name validation is enforced by the server. The sanitization process for cleaning up a name is current as of the version of this object model.While unlikely, it is possible that if this method is used with a future version of esprtfs, that the name generated may not be valid due to a change in the rules for workspace and shelveset names.


See Also


WorkspaceSpec Class

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Common Namespace