ITestPlan Methods


Namespace:   Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.dll)


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod Clone()

Creates a copy of this test plan and returns it.

System_CAPS_pubmethod CopyPropertiesFrom(ITestPlan)

System_CAPS_pubmethod CreateLink()

Creates a new, empty ITestExternalLink.

System_CAPS_pubmethod CreateTestRun(Boolean)

Creates and returns a new automated or manual test-run for this test plan.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Delete()

Deletes this test plan and all test runs and test points that are associated with it.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Delete(DeleteAction)

Deletes this test plan and all test runs and test points that are associated with it.

System_CAPS_pubmethod FindTestPoint(Int32)

Finds and returns a test point that is specified by the test point ID.

System_CAPS_pubmethod FindTestPoint(Int32, String)

Finds and returns a test point that is specified by the test point ID.

System_CAPS_pubmethod QueryImpactedPoints(Uri)

Returns a collection of test points that is affected by all builds. This includes previous builds and the specified build.

System_CAPS_pubmethod QueryImpactedPoints(Uri, String)

Returns a collection of test points that is affected by all builds. This includes previous builds and the specified build.

System_CAPS_pubmethod QueryTestPointHierarchy(String)

Returns the hierarchy of test suites that contains test points that match the WIQL query.

System_CAPS_pubmethod QueryTestPoints(String)

Finds and returns all test points that belong to this test plan and that match the provided query.

System_CAPS_pubmethod QueryTestPoints(String, String)

Finds and returns all test points that belong to this test plan and that match the provided point query and field value subquery.

System_CAPS_pubmethod QueryTestPoints(String, String, String[], Boolean)

Finds all points that belong to this plan and match the given WIQL conditions.

System_CAPS_pubmethod QueryTestPointsAndStatistics(String, String, ITestPointStatistics)

Finds all points that belong to this plan and match the given WIQL conditions.

System_CAPS_pubmethod QueryTestPointsAndStatistics(String, String, String[], ITestPointStatistics)

Finds all points that belong to this plan and match the given WIQL conditions.

System_CAPS_pubmethod QueryTestPointStatistics(String)

Finds and returns the test point statistics that belong to this test plan and that match the given query.

System_CAPS_pubmethod QueryTestPointStatisticsByPivot(String, List<TestPointStatisticsQueryPivotType>)

Returns statistics of points by pivot that belong to this plan and match the given WIQL conditions.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Refresh()

Refreshes all objects in this test plan by using current data from the server.

System_CAPS_pubmethod RefreshRootSuite()

System_CAPS_pubmethod RefreshTestCase(Int32)

Refreshes all instances of the specified test case in this test plan.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Save()

Saves the data from all objects in this test plan to the server.

System_CAPS_pubmethod SetBuildInfo(String, String)

See Also

ITestPlan Interface
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client Namespace

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