ITestCase Methods


Namespace:   Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.dll)


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod CreateAttachment(Byte[], Int32, Int32)

Creates an attachment for a test case by using the provided byte array.

System_CAPS_pubmethod CreateAttachment(String)

Creates an attachment from a file. (Inherited from IAttachmentOwner.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod CreateAttachment(String, SourceFileAction)

Creates an attachment from a file, optionally deleting the source file after uploading.(Inherited from IAttachmentOwner.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod CreateSharedStepReference()

If this object is a test case, creates a new shared step reference, which gives access to another set of actions.(Inherited from ITestBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod CreateTestActionGroup()

Creates a new test action group, to which steps or other groups may be added.(Inherited from ITestBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod CreateTestStep()

Creates a new test step.(Inherited from ITestBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod FindAction(Int32)

Returns the specified action from the Actions property by using the given ID number.(Inherited from ITestBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Flush()

Brings the work item fields up to date by using the changes that are made in this object. (Inherited from ITestBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetReferencedSharedStep(Int32)

Return the shared step referenced by the test case. Returns null if the shared step corresponding to sharedStepId is not referenced by the test case.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetReferencedSharedStep(Int32, Int32)

Returns a particular revision of the shared step referenced by the testcase. Returns null if the shared step corresponding to sharedStepId is not referenced by the test case.

System_CAPS_pubmethod OverrideParameter(String)

Overrides the specified parameter, which allows for it to be removed from the steps in this specific test case whereas it retains data about the parameter from other iterations.(Inherited from ITestBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Refresh()

Refreshes the current item from the server and resets the values to those that are stored in the item. Any cached data is discarded.(Inherited from ITestBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RenameParameter(String, String)

Renames a parameter by using the provided parameter name and updates all actions that refer to the referenced parameter.(Inherited from ITestBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ReplaceParameter(String, String)

Finds all instances where the provided parameter is used in actions, deletes any iteration data for each instance, and replaces it by using the provided literal text.(Inherited from ITestBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Save()

Brings the work item fields up to date by calling the Flush method and then stores each work item to the server.(Inherited from ITestBase.)

See Also

ITestCase Interface
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client Namespace

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