ReplicaMetadata.CustomReplicaMetadata Property

When overridden in a derived class, gets or sets the custom metadata field that is associated with this replica.

Namespace: Microsoft.Synchronization.MetadataStorage
Assembly: Microsoft.Synchronization.MetadataStorage (in microsoft.synchronization.metadatastorage.dll)


Public MustOverride Property CustomReplicaMetadata As Byte()
Dim instance As ReplicaMetadata
Dim value As Byte()

value = instance.CustomReplicaMetadata

instance.CustomReplicaMetadata = value
public abstract byte[] CustomReplicaMetadata { get; set; }
virtual property array<unsigned char>^ CustomReplicaMetadata {
    array<unsigned char>^ get () abstract;
    void set (array<unsigned char>^ value) abstract;
/** @property */
public abstract byte[] get_CustomReplicaMetadata ()

/** @property */
public abstract void set_CustomReplicaMetadata (byte[] value)
public abstract function get CustomReplicaMetadata () : byte[]

public abstract function set CustomReplicaMetadata (value : byte[])

Property Value

The custom metadata field that is associated with this replica. A null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) when no custom field has been set.


Exception type Condition


The object has been disposed or was not initialized correctly.


The custom metadata field provides a place in which to store information about the replica as a whole.

See Also


ReplicaMetadata Class
ReplicaMetadata Members
Microsoft.Synchronization.MetadataStorage Namespace