DbSyncTableDescription.Constraints Property

Gets a list of DbSyncForeignKeyConstraint objects that represent the foreign key constraints that apply to a table.

Namespace: Microsoft.Synchronization.Data
Assembly: Microsoft.Synchronization.Data (in microsoft.synchronization.data.dll)


Public ReadOnly Property Constraints As DbSyncForeignKeyConstraintCollection
Dim instance As DbSyncTableDescription
Dim value As DbSyncForeignKeyConstraintCollection

value = instance.Constraints
public DbSyncForeignKeyConstraintCollection Constraints { get; }
property DbSyncForeignKeyConstraintCollection^ Constraints {
    DbSyncForeignKeyConstraintCollection^ get ();
/** @property */
public DbSyncForeignKeyConstraintCollection get_Constraints ()
public function get Constraints () : DbSyncForeignKeyConstraintCollection

Property Value

A list of DbSyncForeignKeyConstraint objects that represent the foreign key constraints that apply to a table.

See Also


DbSyncTableDescription Class
DbSyncTableDescription Members
Microsoft.Synchronization.Data Namespace