XsltListViewWebPart methods

The XsltListViewWebPart type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method AddAttributesToRender (Inherited from Panel.)
Public method AddDataBinding Adds the data binding information for a specified property in the DataFormWebPart. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method AddDataSourceControls Adds the data source controls in the DataSources collection as child controls of the Web Part. (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Protected method AddDataSourceParameters Adds a new Parameter to the ParameterCollection. (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Protected method AddedControl (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method AddParsedSubObject Used to process Web Part XML for static Web Parts. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method AfterDeserialize Called after a SharePoint Web Part's properties are deserialized from the SharePoint database or from a Web Part description file (.dwp). Suggested place for SharePoint Web Part upgrade code. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method ApplyReceivedConsumerData Applies changes to the DataFormWebPart according to the data received from consumer connection interfaces. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method ApplyReceivedFilterData Applies changes to the DataFormWebPart according to the received filter data. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method ApplyReceivedParametersData Applies changes to the DataFormWebPart according to the received parameters data. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method ApplyStyle (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public method ApplyStyleSheetSkin (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method AreAllConsumerInterfacesFulfilled Indicates whether all the consumer interfaces of the DataFormWebPart have received data. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method BeginLoad This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Public method BeginSave Called prior to extracting customization data from the control. (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Protected method BuildProfileTree (Inherited from Control.)
Public method CanRunAt Obsolete. Returns a value that indicates where the implementation of a connection interface can run. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method CleanUpDataSource Resets any cached values in the data sources (Overrides DataFormWebPart.CleanUpDataSource().)
Protected method ClearCachedClientID (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearChildControlState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearChildState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearChildViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearEffectiveClientIDMode (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ConnectionInterface Returns the provider interface for connecting two server controls using an entire table of data.
Protected method ConnectToDataSourceControl Denotes whether the control that is the data source for this data form Web Part is connected. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method CopyBaseAttributes (Inherited from WebControl.)
Protected method CreateChildControls (Overrides DataFormWebPart.CreateChildControls().)
Protected method CreateControlCollection (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method CreateControlStyle (Inherited from Panel.)
Public method CreateEditorParts (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method CreateWebPartMenu Called after the Microsoft ASP.NET Load event and used to modify or override the default menu. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method DataBind() Binds a data source to the invoked server control and all its child controls. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method DataBind(Boolean) (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method DataBindChildren (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method DfwpCacheRead Reads an item from the [T:HYPERLINK"https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.caching.aspx"System.Web.Caching.Cache] based on a key. (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Protected method DfwpCacheWrite Writes an item to the [T:HYPERLINK"https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.caching.aspx"System.Web.Caching.Cache] based on a key. (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Protected method DisableCrossPageConnectionAboutToBeFired Disables the cross-page connections to be fired on which the DataFormWebPart acts as a provider. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method Dispose Releases all resources used by the Web Part. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method DoesPostbackEqualEvent Checks whether the specified postback value contains the specified event name. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method EndLoad This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.. (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Public method EndSave Called after customization data has been extracted from the control. (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Protected method EnsureChildControls (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method EnsureID (Inherited from Control.)
Public method EnsureInterfaces Obsolete. Provides notification for a connectable Web Part that it should ensure all its interfaces are registered using the RegisterInterface method. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method EnsureList Ensures that the SPList associated with the BaseXsltListWebPart is loaded. (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Public method FetchCustomizedXsl Fetches the customized XSL and related files information for the DataFormWebPart. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method FillInFieldsDictionary Adds the SPField and any referenced fields to the fieldsDictionary and computerdFieldsDictionary. (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method FindControl(String) (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method FindControl(String, Int32) (Inherited from Control.)
Public method Focus (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ForceDataBind() Forces the current control to perform the data binding, even if the control previously performed the data binding. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method ForceDataBind(Boolean) Forces the current control to perform the data binding, with the possibility of deferring the XSLT transform, even if the control previously performed the data binding. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method ForceTransformRerun Forces this control to do the data binding, even if the control has previously created child controls. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method GetCallbackResult Returns the results of a callback event that targets a control. (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Protected method GetCustomBuilder Provides the ability to associate a dynamic builder with a custom property of a Web Part. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method GetData Obsolete. Called when the System.Web.UI.Control.PreRender event occurs to allow a Web Part to retrieve data. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method GetDataSource Gets the data source instance for the XsltListViewWebPart. (Overrides DataFormWebPart.GetDataSource().)
Protected method GetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Public method GetDesignTimeFooter Returns the static HTML for the footer portion of a Web Part frame to a custom designer created by deriving from System.Web.UI.ControlDesigner. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method GetDesignTimeHeader Returns static HTML for the header portion of a Web Part frame to a custom designer created by deriving from System.Web.UI.ControlDesigner. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method GetDesignTimeHtml Returns the control as design-time HTML for editing in web development tools. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method GetFilterData Gets filter data from the connected provider control that provides filter data. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetInitEventArgs Obsolete. Returns the InitEventArgs object for the name of the interface that is passed in. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method GetParametersData Gets parameters data from the connected provider control that provides parameters data. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method GetProviderInterface Gets an instance of the IWebPartRow for the consumer control that is to be connected with the DataFormWebPart. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method GetRequiresData Obsolete. The virtual method that is called by the Web Part infrastructure when the System.Web.UI.Control.PreRender event occurs to indicate that a Web Part requires data. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method GetRouteUrl(Object) (Inherited from Control.)
Public method GetRouteUrl(RouteValueDictionary) (Inherited from Control.)
Public method GetRouteUrl(String, Object) (Inherited from Control.)
Public method GetRouteUrl(String, RouteValueDictionary) (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method GetRowData Gets the row data that the DataFormWebPart object provides to the connected consumer control. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method GetSPWebPartConnectionByID Gets the SPWebPartConnection object by its ConsumerID value. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method GetThemedImages (Overrides WebPart.GetThemedImages().)
Public method GetThemedLocalizedImages (Overrides WebPart.GetThemedLocalizedImages().)
Public method GetTimelineViewName
Public method GetToolParts Gets the ToolPart objects that are used to show and modify the properties of the Web Part. (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetUniqueIDRelativeTo (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method GetXPathNavigator Gets a cursor model for navigating and editing XML information items in the view. (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Protected method HandleGeneralException Handles general exceptions. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method HandleRuntimeException Handles the specified runtime exception. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method HandleXslException Handles the specified exception about the Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) transform in a special manner. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method HasControls (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method HasEvents (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method InvalidateConnecteeViewState Clears out the view state that stores the information about the latest connections on the DataFormWebPart and its consumer DataFormWebParts. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method InvalidateView (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method IsCrossPageConnectionAboutToBeFired Determines whether there is a cross-page connection to be fired on which the DataFormWebPart acts as a provider. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method IsForCurrentView (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Protected method IsLiteralContent (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method LoadControlState (Inherited from Control.)
Public method LoadResource Returns a localizable string. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method LoadViewState Restores view-state information from a previous request that was saved with the SaveViewState() method. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method MapPathSecure (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method MergeStyle (Inherited from WebControl.)
Protected method ModifyXsltArgumentList Modifies the ArgumentClassWrapper object to contain list-related information and list-view XML. (Overrides DataFormWebPart.ModifyXsltArgumentList(ArgumentClassWrapper).)
Protected method NotifyWorkItemComplete Obsolete. Indicates that work being performed on an external asynchronous thread that has been registered using the RegisterWorkItem method has completed. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method OnBubbleEvent (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnClosing (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method OnConnectModeChanged (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method OnDataBinding The event handler for the System.Web.UI.Control.DataBinding event that occurs when a Web Part is binding to a data source. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method OnDeleting (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method OnEditModeChanged (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method OnInit The event handler for the System.Web.UI.Control.Init event that occurs as the Web Part is being instantiated. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method OnLoad Handles the Load event. (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Protected method OnPreRender Handles the PreRender event. (Overrides DataFormWebPart.OnPreRender(EventArgs).)
Protected method OnUnload The event handler for the System.Web.UI.Control.Unload event, which occurs when the Web Part is being unloaded from memory. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method OpenFile (Inherited from Control.)
Public method PartCacheInvalidate() Marks all the contents of the Web Part cache as outdated. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method PartCacheInvalidate(Storage) Marks all contents of the specified storage type in the Web Part cache as outdated. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method PartCacheInvalidate(Storage, String) Marks the specified cache entries of the specified storage type in the Web Part cache as outdated. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method PartCacheRead Reads and returns a value from the specified location in the specified type of storage in the Web Part cache. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method PartCacheWrite Stores the specified value of the specified type of storage in the Web Part cache. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method PartCommunicationConnect Obsolete. Used to notify a Web Part that it has been connected to another Web Part. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method PartCommunicationInit Obsolete. Provides a connectable Web Part with a method for firing any of its initialization events, such as the CellProviderInit or CellConsumerInit event. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method PartCommunicationMain Obsolete. Provides a connectable Web Part with a method to fire events for any of the main events of a connectable Web Part, such as the CellReady event. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method PopulateFileHashDetails Gets the information about the Extensible Style Sheet (XSL) files from the database and stores it in the provided hashtable. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method PostProcessCPBs Modifies the ParameterValues after the parameter binding information from the client has been processed. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method PreprocessPostBackEvent Performs additional processing on the event argument of the postback event. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method PreprocessSinglePostBackEvent Preprocesses a single postback event for the DataFormWebPart. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method RaiseBubbleEvent (Inherited from Control.)
Public method RaiseCallbackEvent Creates the arguments for the callback handler in the GetCallBackResult method. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method RaisePostBackEvent Called by ASP.NET when this Web Part performs a postback to itself. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method RegisterFilterCallback Registers callback functions for the XsltListViewWebPart to perform ad hoc list filtering. (Overrides DataFormWebPart.RegisterFilterCallback().)
Protected method RegisterInterface(String, String, Int32, ConnectionRunAt, Object, String, String, String) Obsolete. Registers an interface from the Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Communication namespace for a connectable Web Part. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method RegisterInterface(String, String, Int32, ConnectionRunAt, Object, String, String, String, Boolean) Obsolete. Registers an interface from the Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Communication namespace for a connectable Web Part with the option of specifying how cross-page connections are handled. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method RegisterWorkItem Obsolete. Keeps track of work being done by an external thread, such as a Web Part that handles its own thread pool. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method RegisterWorkItemCallback Obsolete. Queues a Web Part work item to the thread pool, invokes the specified delegate, and specifies an object to be passed to the delegate when serviced from the thread pool. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method RemovedControl (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method Render (Inherited from BaseXsltDataWebPart.)
Public method RenderBeginTag (Inherited from Panel.)
Protected method RenderChildren (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method RenderContents (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public method RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter) (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter, ControlAdapter) (Inherited from Control.)
Public method RenderEndTag (Inherited from Panel.)
Protected method RenderWebPart (Overrides BaseXsltListWebPart.RenderWebPart(HtmlTextWriter).)
Protected method RenderWorkItemTimeout Obsolete. Renders HTML in a Web Part when a work item has timed out. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method ReplaceTokens Performs token replacement for a string, using the same algorithm used for URL-valued properties. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Protected method RequiresWebPartClientScript Returns a value that indicates whether the XsltListViewWebPart has client-side JavaScript to register with the Web Part Page Services Component (WPSC) framework. (Overrides DataFormWebPart.RequiresWebPartClientScript().)
Public method ResetClientRender Invalidates the cached ClientRender value
Protected method ResetXslCache Invalidates the XSL cache. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method ResolveAdapter (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ResolveClientUrl (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ResolveParameterValuesToXsl Resolves the information related to the DataFormWebPart into the specified ArgumentClassWrapper object for XSL transformation. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method ResolveUrl (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method SaveControlState (Inherited from Control.)
Public method SaveCustomizedXsl Saves the customized XSL and the files information associated with the customized XSL to storage objects. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method SaveTimelineViewName
Protected method SaveViewState (Inherited from WebControl.)
Public method SetConnectedFilterProvider Sets the IWebPartParameters instance from the filter provider to the DataFormWebPart. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method SetConnectedParametersProvider Sets the IWebPartParameters instance from the parameters provider to the DataFormWebPart. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method SetDataSourceProperties Sets properties for the data source associated with the Web Part. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Protected method SetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method SetPersonalizationDirty (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method SetRenderMethodDelegate (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method SetWebPartPageComponent (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldConsumeParameters Indicates whether the DataFormWebPart should consume parameters. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method ShouldProvideRows Indicates whether the DataFormWebPart should provide rows. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeAllowConnect Returns whether the AllowConnect property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeAllowEdit Returns whether the AllowEdit property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeAllowHide Returns whether the AllowHide property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeAllowMinimize Returns whether the AllowMinimize property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeAllowRemove Returns whether the AllowRemove property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeAllowZoneChange Returns whether the AllowZoneChange property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeConnectionID Returns whether the ConnectionID property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeConnections Returns whether the Connections property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeDefault Returns a value that indicates whether the Default property should be serialized. (Inherited from BaseXsltDataWebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeDescription Returns whether the Description property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeDetailLink Returns whether the DetailLink property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeDir Returns whether the Dir property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeDisplayName Returns a value that indicates whether the Display Name property differs from its default value. (Inherited from BaseXsltDataWebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeExportControlledProperties Returns whether the ExportControlledProperties property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeFrameState Returns whether the FrameState property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeFrameType Returns whether the FrameType property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeHeight Returns whether the Height property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeHelpLink Returns whether the HelpLink property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeHelpMode Returns whether the HelpMode property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeID Returns whether the ID property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeIsIncluded Returns whether the IsIncluded property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeIsIncludedFilter Returns whether the IsIncludedFilter property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeIsVisible Returns whether the IsVisible property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeListName Returns a value that indicates whether the List Name property differs from its default value. (Inherited from BaseXsltDataWebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeMissingAssembly Returns whether the MissingAssembly property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializePartImageLarge Returns whether the PartImageLarge property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializePartImageSmall Returns whether the PartImageSmall property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializePartOrder Returns whether the PartOrder property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeTitle Returns whether the Title property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeViewFlag Returns a value that indicates whether the View Flag property differs from its default value. (Inherited from BaseXsltDataWebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeWebId Indicates whether the WebId should be persisted. (Inherited from BaseXsltListWebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeWidth Returns whether the Width property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ShouldSerializeZoneID Returns whether the ZoneID property has changed from its default value. (Inherited from WebPart.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method TrackViewState (Inherited from WebPart.)


Explicit interface implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IAttributeAccessor.GetAttribute IAttributeAccessor.GetAttribute (Inherited from WebPart.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IWebPartRow.GetRowData Gets the row data that the DataFormWebPart object provides to the connected consumer control. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IWebPartTable.GetTableData Returns the data for the table that is being used by the interface as the basis of a connection between two WebPart controls.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IAttributeAccessor.SetAttribute IAttributeAccessor.SetAttribute (Inherited from WebPart.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IParserAccessor.AddParsedSubObject (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IControlDesignerAccessor.GetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IConnectionData.GetData Provides a method that is called during the data-retrieval loop when it is time to get data. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IConnectionData.GetRequiresData Indicates whether the DataFormWebPart requires data and wants to participate in the data-retrieval loop. (Inherited from DataFormWebPart.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ICompositeControlDesignerAccessor.RecreateChildControls (Inherited from Part.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IControlDesignerAccessor.SetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IControlDesignerAccessor.SetOwnerControl (Inherited from Control.)


See also


XsltListViewWebPart class

Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages namespace