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Microsoft.Practices.Prism Namespace


  Class Description
Public class Bootstrapper
Base class that provides a basic bootstrapping sequence and hooks that specific implementations can override
Public class CollectionExtensions
Class that provides extension methods to Collection
Public class ExceptionExtensions
Class that provides extension methods for the Exception class. These extension methods provide a mechanism for developers to get more easily to the root cause of an exception, especially in combination with DI-containers such as Unity.
Public class ListDictionary<TKey, TValue>
A dictionary of lists.
Public class ObservableObject<T>
Class that wraps an object, so that other classes can notify for Change events. Typically, this class is set as a Dependency Property on DependencyObjects, and allows other classes to observe any changes in the Value.
Public class ServiceLocatorExtensions
Defines extension methods for the ServiceLocator class.
Public class UriParsingHelper
Helper class for parsing Uri instances.
Public class UriQuery
Represents a query in a Uri.


  Interface Description
Public interface IActiveAware
Interface that defines if the object instance is active and notifies when the activity changes.