Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security Namespace


  Class Description
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif AndOperator
Represents an operator that performs a logical-AND of its contained left and right expressions, but only evaluates its second expression if the first expression evaluates to true.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif AnonymousExpression
Represents the value of an IIdentity object whose IsAuthenticated property is false.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif AnyExpression
Represents an expression that evaluates to true for any specified principal.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif AuthorizationFactory
Static factory class used to get instances of a specified IAuthorizationProvider
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif AuthorizationProvider
Abstract implementation of the IAuthorizationProvider interface.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif AuthorizationProviderFactory
Provides methods for the creation of IAuthorizationProvider instances.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif AuthorizationRuleProvider
Represents an authorization provider that evaluates Boolean expressions to determine whether IPrincipal objects are authorized.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif BooleanExpression
Represents an operator, operand or expression that results in one of two values - true or false.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif GuidToken
Implementation of IToken for a Guid.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif IdentityExpression
Represents an expression that contains the name of an IIdentity.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif LexicalAnalyzer
Represents a lexical analyzer for Boolean expressions.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif NotOperator
Represents the logical negation operator is a unary operator that negates its operand. It returns true if and only if its operand is false.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif OrOperator
Represents an operator that performs a logical-OR of its contained left and right expressions, but only evaluates its second expression if the first expression evaluates to true.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif Parser
Represents a parser for identity role rule expressions.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif ProjectInstaller
Let the system know that the InstallUtil.exe tool will be run against this assembly
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif RoleExpression
Represents an expression that contains the name of a role.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif SecurityCacheFactory
Static factory class used to get instances of a specified ISecurityCacheProvider
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif SecurityCacheProvider
Abstract implementation of the ISecurityCacheProvider interface.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif SecurityCacheProviderFactory
Provides methods for the creation of ISecurityCacheProvider instances.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif SyntaxException
The exception that is thrown when a syntax error is found in an identity role rule expression.
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif UserNotFoundException
Exception thrown when Active Directory is unable to find the given user
Ee764639.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif WordExpression
Represents a word value such as a role name or identity name.


  Interface Description
Ee764639.pubinterface(en-us,PandP.50).gif IAuthorizationProvider
Defines the basic functionality of an authorization provider.
Ee764639.pubinterface(en-us,PandP.50).gif IAuthorizationRule
Represents an authorization rule.
Ee764639.pubinterface(en-us,PandP.50).gif ISecurityCacheProvider
Allows end users to implement their own Security Caches.
Ee764639.pubinterface(en-us,PandP.50).gif IToken
Allows end users to implement their own tokens.


  Enumeration Description
Ee764639.pubenumeration(en-us,PandP.50).gif SecurityEntityType
The types of entities supported by Security.
Ee764639.pubenumeration(en-us,PandP.50).gif TokenType
Specifies the type of a token in an expression.